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Pokemon Chronicles V19 Update/DLC
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Pokemon Chronicles V19 Update/DLC
Hello, players.
Pokemon Chronicles version 19 update is more a DLC than a regular update, because of an entire new region and due to its vast content.
Currently, i'm still working on the new Orange Region events, where i'm filling all the maps with events, transfer events, etc, more than half of the region is done. The next week i will start with the movie 2 remaster events, and then the rest of that regions events.
This new orange region is based on a hack room called Pokemon orange islands or something like that, so, mostly of the credits goes to its creators.
When i've got time, i will add the shiny sprites for gen 6 and 7 and when i start the gen 8 pokemon sprites, i will add the normal forms and the shiny ones.
I'm still waiting for the gen 8 sprites that are madded by "outsiders" of the project.
I still don't know the exact v19 date release because it depends on my time and work, and i can't speed things more than i'm doing. You will just wait until i finish it.
Times to times, i will update the update v19 page so you can see what things will be released.
By the way, I'm working 4 - 6 h per day on the project now to speed it a bit.
Thx for playing. ^^
Pokemon Chronicles version 19 update is more a DLC than a regular update, because of an entire new region and due to its vast content.
Currently, i'm still working on the new Orange Region events, where i'm filling all the maps with events, transfer events, etc, more than half of the region is done. The next week i will start with the movie 2 remaster events, and then the rest of that regions events.
This new orange region is based on a hack room called Pokemon orange islands or something like that, so, mostly of the credits goes to its creators.
When i've got time, i will add the shiny sprites for gen 6 and 7 and when i start the gen 8 pokemon sprites, i will add the normal forms and the shiny ones.
I'm still waiting for the gen 8 sprites that are madded by "outsiders" of the project.
I still don't know the exact v19 date release because it depends on my time and work, and i can't speed things more than i'm doing. You will just wait until i finish it.
Times to times, i will update the update v19 page so you can see what things will be released.
By the way, I'm working 4 - 6 h per day on the project now to speed it a bit.
Thx for playing. ^^
Re: Pokemon Chronicles V19 Update/DLC
Hello, players!
Pokemon Chronicles v19 update is still under developpment and i'm updating the project with essentials v18, which it will brings huge fixes, animations, and other stuff. You can check whats new in the essentials website.
Also, there is a huge step down with the multi-disc script, which allows/unlocks the map limit 999 from the rpg maker editor. It seems that it doesn't work the way i expected, so to avoid errors, crashes or bugs i decided to remove it from the project.
The new orange region will be added manually into the game by "squeezing" it a bit. Some maps like secret bases will be reduced to only 1. The rest will be transformed into te new orange region maps.
Also, i'm attempting to add the new upcoming stuff from the new official DLC from Sword and Shield.
Sorry for all the waiting, but i've found pros and cos and issues from certain sections of the project and there is too much to do for one person, please understand.
I promise you that v19 will be very good and enjoyful too.
Thx for playing. If you want to play the current version, go to the updates section, then go to the v18.6 update and download it there. Link is at the bottom.
Pokemon Chronicles v19 update is still under developpment and i'm updating the project with essentials v18, which it will brings huge fixes, animations, and other stuff. You can check whats new in the essentials website.
Also, there is a huge step down with the multi-disc script, which allows/unlocks the map limit 999 from the rpg maker editor. It seems that it doesn't work the way i expected, so to avoid errors, crashes or bugs i decided to remove it from the project.
The new orange region will be added manually into the game by "squeezing" it a bit. Some maps like secret bases will be reduced to only 1. The rest will be transformed into te new orange region maps.
Also, i'm attempting to add the new upcoming stuff from the new official DLC from Sword and Shield.
Sorry for all the waiting, but i've found pros and cos and issues from certain sections of the project and there is too much to do for one person, please understand.
I promise you that v19 will be very good and enjoyful too.
Thx for playing. If you want to play the current version, go to the updates section, then go to the v18.6 update and download it there. Link is at the bottom.
Re: Pokemon Chronicles V19 Update/DLC
Hello, players!
Pokemon Chronicles v19 update is still under developpment. Currently we are updating the last systems and scripts and i'm starting to finish things, so i can release it in January 2021 if possible. We are also waiting for some system/scripts updates from the creator of Birthsigns scripts.
And you are asking this: "Why is this update taking so long to be released?":
Because this project has some old updates and systems that needed to be updated. Also due to the essentials v18.1 recent updates + shield and sword Gen 8 stuff + new orange region and other things that suddendly appears, we had to update everything. Now i have my scripter that is helping me a lot in this days, but the majority of things is done by me.
Sorry for delaying it too many times, but the game urgently needed this huge upgrade and updates on the system. The gameplay is better now and several things were fixed and improved.
Pokemon Chronicles v19 update is still under developpment. Currently we are updating the last systems and scripts and i'm starting to finish things, so i can release it in January 2021 if possible. We are also waiting for some system/scripts updates from the creator of Birthsigns scripts.
And you are asking this: "Why is this update taking so long to be released?":
Because this project has some old updates and systems that needed to be updated. Also due to the essentials v18.1 recent updates + shield and sword Gen 8 stuff + new orange region and other things that suddendly appears, we had to update everything. Now i have my scripter that is helping me a lot in this days, but the majority of things is done by me.
Sorry for delaying it too many times, but the game urgently needed this huge upgrade and updates on the system. The gameplay is better now and several things were fixed and improved.
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