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Pokémon Chronicles Version 20.2
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Pokémon Chronicles Version 20.2
Game Features:
Game's Sinopse:
In the world which you are about to enter, you will embark on a grand adventure, with you as the hero. Speak to people and check things wherever you go, be it towns, roads, or caves. Gather information and hints from every source.
New paths will open to you by helping people in need, overcoming challenges, and solving mysteries. At times, you will be challenged by others and attacked by wild creatures. Be brave and keep pushing on.
Through your adventure, we hope that you will interact with all sorts of people and achieve personal growth. That is our biggest objective.
Your dream is to become the best Pokemon Master in the world of Pokemon, but for that, you must prove yourself worthy of that title by collecting badges through 5 entire regions and becoming the champion in each region, until you'll be selected to participate in the Battle Frontier, last step to prove yourself worthy of the title.
Catch every Pokemon to fulfill your Pokedex and put an end in 3 evil teams schemes to prevent world crysis.
Will you fulfill your dream to become a Pokemon Master?
What's new in this version of Pokémon Chronicles v20.2:
1- Added the Focus Tutor:
Added the Focus Tutor in Hamlin Island, Orange Archipelago, free of charge. It will change the focus in a Pokemon. This way, the player can change the focus into the one he wanted and its very useful in the case of evolving the galarian Farfetch'D into Sirfetch'D, otherwise it will be very hard to evolve it.
2- Added Player Underwater Bubbles Animation:
Added the player underwater bubbles animation when steping on underwater grassy areas.
3- Added More Unique Pokemon Events:
Ash-Greninja- To obtain this Pokemon, the player only needs to go to the Fortree PokeCenter and talk to the Mystery Gift Man there, which he will give a unique Greninja with the Battle Bond Ability, which it will change into Ash-Greninja after defeating a foe, so, for this to happen, the battles must be at least double battles or in a trainer battle, if the trainer has more than one Pokemon, this works on wild Pokemon battles as well.
Spiky-eared Pichu- To obtain this Pokemon, the player must first conclude the Celebi events on Ilex Forest first, after this events are done, if the player "talk" to the shrine at the Ilex Forest and if the player has a normal Pichu with them, the spiky-eared Pichu will appear and a small event takes place, the player will receive it during the event. This Pichu can't evolve.
0- Other Things:
Added- Battle moves animations from enemy to player for: Tackle, Pound.
Changed- The Trainer hill facility trainers, which all of them are not at random from a small list of trainers, they are now at lv80, they can use various battle mechanics, changed the rewards at the end, they are at random from a small list.
Changed- The old man guarding the entrance of the Cave of Origin, to prevent players to be stucked when exiting the cave.
Removed- Duplication of an hidden item event on Bond Bridge.
Removed- Map camera scrolling animation from all the Battle Tents, since that after a few battles it will act weird.
Removed- Self-Switch from a Prof. Aid on a Gatehouse in Route 11, which make it inacessible for players.
Fixed- More Gary typos about grandpa in Prof. Oaks Lab.
Fixed- Maxie typo "... With Groudon fone,..." into gone.
Fixed- Unecessary duplicated texts by the Secret Bases shops npcs on: Route 104, Lilycove City, Fortree City, Slateport City, Battle Frontier.
Fixed- Lass npc on Cerulean's PokeCenter, where she mentions trading Pokemon on the first floor, which now the PokeCenters will no longer have them.
Fixed- Npc typo at the entrance of the Battle Frontier, near the ship.
Fixed- Looker typo, where the player talks first time to him, on Pewter City.
Fixed- Misty typo about seeing the player for the first time, despite she already meet us earlier on Viridian Forest.
Fixed- Item name typo for Big Pearls, in the game it shows as BigPearls.
Fixed- Prof. Oak typos after the player becomes the new Hoenn champion, after giving the S. S. Tidal Ticket, instead of him mentioning that you can now travel to Hoenn region, he will mention that players can go to Hoenn Battle Frontier.
Fixed- Butler typo at the Hoenn Altering Cave, Route 103, where he says "...atach..." instead of "...attach...".
Fixed- Lady Selphy typo, where she says "...DARTINI...", it should be "...DRATINI...".
Fixed- Scott npc movements on Ever Grande City, PokeCenter.
Fixed- Scott npc movements on Mossdeep City.
Fixed- Wallace npc movements on Cave of Origin.
Fixed- Wallace npc movements on Cave of Origin related to the Pokemon followers game mechanic.
Fixed- Wallace, Brendan, Birch, Players event movements on Hoenn Pokemon League, Champion's Room.
Fixed- Steven npc movements on Mossdeep City, Steven's House.
Fixed- Steven autorun event on Mossdeep City, Steven's House, if the player goes to another house, the autorun activates, where its not supposed to.
Fixed- Player event movements when it talks to Steven during the Legendary Pokemon crisis, Groudon vs Kyogre on Sootopolis City.
Fixed- Lass npc movements on Battle Tower at Battle Frontier.
Fixed- Sailor npc movements on the Mandarin North Town House, where it starts the Darkrai quests.
Fixed- Cerulean PokeMart + PokeCenter npc's movements, which i changed their pace a bit to not sound like machines doing the exact and synchronized left and right movements.
Fixed- Player movements when it starts the movie events: Pokemon heroes, on Lilycove Museum, after he interacts with the fossil there.
Fixed- Wallace blocking the Sootopolis GYM door, after the Legendary Pokemon events, if the player loses or tries to leave the GYM without the Rain Badge.
Fixed- Abandoned Ship on Route 108 exit teleporters event, which it forces the player to go down until its on the water and get stuck.
Fixed- When the player exits the Scorched Slab mini cave, on Route 120, and get stuck, because the event that teleports the player outside is trying to force it to go down, where is not possible since that the player need to use surf.
Fixed- Rest House in the Hoenn Safari Zone is now considered as a Safari Map, to avoid the Safari game mechanic to be disabled.
Fixed- Player teleport movements when it goes from Route 111 or 112 into the Desert area, this could also teleports the player on top of impassable areas.
Fixed- Missing an event tile for the boy npc on Pewter City, which it didn't block the player on the last third tile.
Fixed- Route H items and hidden items on the floor giving errors/crashes when the player tries to pick them up.
Fixed- Stone Balls costing no money on PokeMarts.
Fixed- Missing trainer overworld sprite for Ritchie at the Pokemon National Park, Johto Region.
Fixed- Removed trainer partners before going into a Max Raid Dungeons. They will be automatically deregistered.
Fixed- Route 2 wild encounters having Pidgeot instead of Pidgeotto as an encounter.
Fixed- Trainers with the same name in which the system will only load the last recent ones on the system, which they will be out of place due to their lvs and regions. They was 2 fisherman and 2 Gentleman on: Route A + Route B + Pokemon Showboat Rooms.
Fixed- Poke Ball's Expert quest being impossible to tag it as completed even if the player completed it, when they did what the quest says what to do.
Fixed- In the Abandoned Ship, Route 108, there's a ruin maniac and a female tuber right after we enter on their room, the system should trigger them as a double battle, but instead of doing it, it replicates the same trainer in battle, making it a double battle with a clone of itself, so reduced the eye sight of them so they can't trigger a double battle, the problem may be the door being right in the middle of them.
Fixed- Trainer House error when the event is checking for how many Pokemon the player has.
Fixed- Phenomena encounters on caves that appears out of bounds, where the player can't access it.
Fixed- Pokemon trainers at the Fallarbor Tent, which the receptionist says that they are lv75, and all the trainer are at lv70, but its supposed to be at lv75.
Fixed- All the Hoenn League switches, for the case when players lost to an elite four member, or champ, to make everything working correctly and not weirdly, like no elite four battles or playing moving out of context by the autorun events.
Fixed- The date of an hatched Pokemon that doesn't display the current date from the players OP system.
Fixed- The Family Summary page not displaying the hatched Pokemon parents or grandparents.
Fixed- An Error that appears if the player leaves the Bug Catching Contest sooner or if the player is out of Balls or time.
Fixed- Phenomena not registering properly on the Pokedex after the player seen and caught a Pokemon from Safari Zones.
Fixed- Missing ladder tiles on Seafoam Islands B2F.
Fixed- Error when the player visits the MT. Pyre summit after the battle of the Legendary Pokemon on Sootopolis City.
Fixed- Wrong Trainer A. J. on the Battle Pyramid facility, being the same one as the one from Route 5, instead of loading the correct Trainer A. J. for the Battle Frontier list.
Fixed- In the quest "Bulbasaur need a trainer" the task text is too long that it won't fit on a single line, so it now fits.
Fixed- Bottle cap items are no longer considered as key items, they are now considered as normal items.
Fixed- Error/crash when opening the Pokegear due to the trainer names there, a script handling thing.
Fixed- Error/crash when the player presses Z during the game's intro video.
Fixed- Error/crash when a phenomena encounter is trying to spawn a shiny Pokemon encounter.
Fixed- Phenomena wild encounters not appearing on the underwater grass tiles.
Fixed- Phenomena wild encounters not appearing on the tall grass tiles.
Fixed- Phenomena encounters appearing on top of a bridge on Route 104, this also fixes the Pokemon follower being a bit weird on this tiles.
Fixed- Turned the berry plants spot to inacessible by the players, so they can't step the same tile when they are trying to plant a berry.
Fixed- The "bug parasites" that is supposed to engane the player into a battle, when the player checks its planted berries, that has the "bug parasites" on the Town Map.
Downloaded all the game parts and now what?
1- Place all parts in the same directory / folder / location.
2- Right click on part 1 and then extract it to from the game's exe.
3- With the game's exe. You can delete the winrar parts. Because you've got what you want, the game's exe.
4- Install the game normally and check the Word files for more information about the game installation.
Note: Remember, this project is still under development.
This is a PC fangame not a hack room.
To download the game, people must be registered in this forum.
The game provides players with Word files with instructions about installation and other usefull things.
Please read carefuly when instaling the game.
People's scripts and other kinds of stuff are credited inside the game in final credits.
Technical Support/Game's Email:
Discord: Richard PT#5878
Pokemon Chronicles FanGame Discord Server for Technical Support too:
Joiplay Discord for Technical Support:
Download Pokémon Chronicles (WITH INSTALLATION EXE):
Mediafire Server- A new version has been released - version 20.3.
Mega Server- A new version has been released - version 20.3.
Mega Server- A new version has been released - version 20.3.
Download Joiplay Compatibility Patch to run the game on Android Operating Systems (optional):
Word File with instructions:
Joiplay Files - v1.20.510 - Jun 9th 2024
LegacyRenPyPlugin - v7.4.11.01 - November 26th 2023
NScripterPLugin - v1.00.10 - Jun 9th 2024
RenPyPlugin - v8.1.3_7.6.3_001 - November 26th 2023
RufflePlugin - v1.00.30 - Jun 9th 2024
RPGMPlugin - v1.20.70 - Jun 9th 2024
patches.json - it will be always these file.
Note: Updated the Word file for better installation Instructions.
How to install the game and Updates?
1- To install the game, simply copy and paste the game's folder on your PC. But, never paste it on the folder "My PC". (through game folder without installer).
1.1- Execute the game exe and follow the instructions on the screen and in the Word file. (through installer/exe method).
2- To update to a new game's version, delete your old game's folder and paste this one in the same location or unistall it in case you install the game through exe.
3- Just play the game and have fun.
Note: Your save game will go automatically to another location, so it's fine doing this and you will not lose your saved game.
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