Pokémon Chronicles
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Pokémon Chronicles Version 20.3

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Pokémon Chronicles Version 20.3 Empty Pokémon Chronicles Version 20.3

Mensagem por Ricardo PT Qua Jul 17, 2024 1:51 pm

Pokémon Chronicles - Version 20.3

Pokémon Chronicles Version 20.3 Pokzom10

Game Features:

Pokémon Chronicles Version 20.3 Game_f11
Game's Sinopse:

In the world which you are about to enter, you will embark on a grand adventure, with you as the hero. Speak to people and check things wherever you go, be it towns, roads, or caves. Gather information and hints from every source.
New paths will open to you by helping people in need, overcoming challenges, and solving mysteries. At times, you will be challenged by others and attacked by wild creatures. Be brave and keep pushing on.
Through your adventure, we hope that you will interact with all sorts of people and achieve personal growth. That is our biggest objective.

Your dream is to become the best Pokemon Master in the world of Pokemon, but for that, you must prove yourself worthy of that title by collecting badges through 5 entire regions and becoming the champion in each region, until you'll be selected to participate in the Battle Frontier, last step to prove yourself worthy of the title.

Catch every Pokemon to fulfill your Pokedex and put an end in 3 evil teams schemes to prevent world crysis.

Will you fulfill your dream to become a Pokemon Master?

What's new in this version of Pokémon Chronicles v20.3:

1- Added and Changed the Focus Tutor

Pokémon Chronicles Version 20.3 Sem_tz16

Added the Focus Tutor in Hamlin Island, Orange Archipelago, free of charge. It will change the focus in a Pokemon. This way, the player can change the focus into the one he wanted and its very useful in the case of evolving the galarian Farfetch'D into Sirfetch'D, otherwise it will be very hard to evolve it.

Important Note: For those players that don't want to use the Focus game mechanic, just visit this Focus Tutor and disable the use of that game mechanic, and if the player wants to use it again, just visit this npc to turn it on. Also, when starting a new game, the game will now asks the player if he want to turn the focus game mechanic on or off during the gameplay.

2- Added a new minigame: The Prizes Wheel:

Pokémon Chronicles Version 20.3 113

Added Prizes Wheel minigame on Kanto and Johto's Game Corners. There's 3 different types of wheels with different themed prizes that will appear at random when interacting with this minigame.

3- Cloning Pokémon:

Pokémon Chronicles Version 20.3 312

Now on Cinnabar Lab, players can use a machine to clone some unique Pokemon from a list of possible options. This is a special feature that will be displayed after the Mewtwo strikes back events plus the lost disc quest too, which the player need to obtain it, to "learn" about how to clone a Pokemon. Through this method, the player can obtain the following special Pokemon from the game/anime series: BulbasaurTwo + CharmanderTwo + SquirtleTwo + PikachuTwo. To clone for example, a BulbasaurTwo, the player need to bring a normal Bulbasaur in order to obtain a cloned version of it and so on. This event is permanent and the player can use the same Pokemon to clone over and over without any problem.

4- Added a new type of "Sellsman" on Pharmacies:

Pokémon Chronicles Version 20.3 212

Added an Old Lady that will appear and disappear during the day or night on all Pharmacies in the game. During different times of the day, this Old Lady will selling different items on a respective defined list. It's a way to better acquire crafting items and other useful items to craft into other items or to use them.

5- Added more Battle Moves Animations:

Pokémon Chronicles Version 20.3 412

Added some more battle moves animations, from enemy to player for: Scratch + Karate Chop + Stomp + Vine Whip + Cut + Body Slam + Double kick + Double Slap + Comet Punch + Visegrip.

0- Other Things:

Added- Different Pokemon species behaviour for all the visible overworld Pokemon wild encounters. Which they can move into the player, or moves at random with different speed or frequency.
Added- Key item, Travel Trunk, on Ash's House, after the player become the Kanto's new champion, this key item let you change your Pikachu appearance into a cap form of your choice and it can return to normal too, while on cap form it can't evolve.
Added- Linking Cord item into the Two Island's Game Corner prizes list.
Added- Pcs turned on, tiles, on all maps that have them, since that the player mention that he can't read complicated numbers and stuff, its more logical that they have a different tile/graphic, indicating that they are turned on.
Added- More Pokemon species into the game, so they are now available to catch by the player, here the assigned Pokemon species that share the same spots: Stantler = Tandemaus + Miltank = Lechonk + Nidoran male = Shroodle + Nidoran female = Glimmet + Nidorino = Grafaiai + Nidorina = Glimmora + Mr. Mime = Flittle. 
Changed- Bug Catcher Trainer eyesight from 2 tiles to 1 tile to avoid players being stuck inside the Azalea GYM.
Changed- Focus Meter System will now asks at the begining of the game if you want to use it or not, during your gameplay. But in case you decide to use it or to disable it, just visit a Focus Tutor to enable or disable it, on Hamlin Island.
Changed- Reduced the cost of a Feather item on Two Island's Game Corner, instead of costing 5.000 cois, it now costs 2.500, they were a bit overpriced for its effect.
Changed- Ash-Greninja gift at Fortree City's Pokecenter, to make it always male, added specific moves it contains at that moment and minor changes into the gift.
Changed- Pokedex search text in its image, where it says to use "shift" to use the pokedex search app, where the key its the same as to open the menu, which is by default "Z".
Changed- Removed the Warden Kaiser from the Safari Zone Secret House, due to a series of problems to battle mechanics, since that it isn't supposed to have normal battles there, and relocated him into the Warden's house in Fuchsia City.
Changed- Some Pokemon abilities descriptions in game to inform better the player about its effect.
Optimised- Removed Tilesets that were made in the wrong way and added an updated version of them to optimise this maps: Abandoned Power Plant + Hangar maps + Cinnabar Mansion maps + 
S. S. Anne maps + Showboat maps + S. S. Aqua maps + Harbor maps + Pokemon Trainer Tower maps + Kanto and Johto Game Corners maps + Kanto League maps + Kanto GYMS maps + Fighting Dojo map +
Trovita GYM map + Pewter and Moro Museums + Kanto and Johto Bike Shops + Celadom, Trovitopolis and Goldenrod Dept. Stores maps + Kanto and Johto Gatehouses maps + Bill House map + 
Route 5 and Four Island Day-Care maps + Vermilion and Saffron Pokemon Fan Club maps + Pokemon Paradise map + Kanto Safari Houses maps + Kanto and Johto Safari Gatehouses maps +
Prof. Oak's Lab, Elm's Lab, Ivy's Lab maps + Kanto, Orange and Johto Restaurants and Cafes maps + Viridian Trainer House map + Kanto's Town Houses maps + Saffron and Celadon Hotels maps +
Cinnabar Lab maps + Rocket warehouse map + Kanto rocket hideout maps + Goldenrod Underground maps + Route 5 and Route 8 Underground maps + Silph Co. maps + Celadon Mansions maps +
Kanto Radio Tower map + Kanto and Johto Train Stations maps + All the Sevii Isles Town Houses maps + All Orange Region Town Houses maps + Orange Region Rocket Warehouse map + 
Orange Region other indoors maps + Kumquat GYM maps + Mikan GYM map + Team Rocket Hideout on Mandarin North maps + Pummelo Stadium map + Flying Palace map + Sewers maps.
Fixed- Error from a hiker after earning the brave symbol at the Battle Pyramid, in which it tries to give the player battle points as a reward.
Fixed- Trainer Hill permits players to enter with more than three Pokemon with them, where its not permited.
Fixed- Wrong Battle Pyramid "entering door" sound into this facility.
Fixed- Npc "Hiker receptionist" being not made entirely for its prupose to guide the player on the Battle Pyramid entrance. 
Fixed- The Unown game version info at the start of the game, not displaying the right game version of the game that are currently in.
Fixed- Wrong item messages saying which bag pocket they're going, because the message doesn't match the items type, after the player receives an item from the Pokemon follower.
Fixed- Typo from Delia Ketchum, where in the text: "...All boys leave home someday...", changed boys into kids.
Fixed- An error/crash when the player withdraws money from their mother in Celadon City.
Fixed- An error/crash when the player talks to a Prof. Oak's Aid on the gatehouse on Route 11, due to a wrong script call in which it is trying to see if the player has collected the required amount of species to receive the gift.
Fixed- Added a new game switch to Ash event at the Prof. Oak's Lab, and added into into the Pidgey's events at Pallet Town too, to force the player battling Gary and Ash before going away into another map.
Fixed- If the player doesn't visited Daisy in Pallet Town to receive a Town Map, the player now can't leave the town until receive it first.
Fixed- The entrance tiles for the Pokemon Trainer Tower.
Fixed- The entrance tiles for all the harbour maps.
Fixed- Move being deleted sound, because it was damaged on the conversion from mp3 into ogg format.
Fixed- GYM Leader Dany on Navel Mountain, after the player defeats him, there's no autorun event to activate the npc in which he will give the badge info, TM and other relevant data.
Fixed- Move deleter tutors, in which they will always deletes the correspondent move but on the first Pokemon instead of the selected Pokemon to remove the desired move.
Fixed- Name Raters tutors, when the player nickname other Pokemon in party, except the first one, the nickname will only take effect on the first Pokemon instead of the selected one.
Fixed- Pokemon overworld spawns on the Abandoned Power Plant and on Pokemon Mansion on Cinnabar Island.
Fixed- Error after evolving Pokemon that used the new evolution method, by holding an item and then using other item to evolve it, for ex: Poliwhirl into Politoed or into Poliwrath, both this cases crashed the game for this type of Pokemon.
Fixed- Silphy's Butler npc movements, on Resort Gorgeous - Sevii Isles, and enable the Pokemon follower on/off, so the npc will not freeze when it tries to move.
Fixed- Bug related to the missing Headbutt trees graphics loaded through their own events on Ilex Forest, which the game lags around 10 sec. when entering on the map due to that veryfication, but since that the tileset now is in charge of loading those graphics, gameplay was improved a bit because of that.
Fixed- Cinnabar Lab door sound, in which the game is saying that's missing.
Fixed- Pokemon Maniac npc movements on MT. Moon B2F, where sometimes wild Pokemon can block its path during the time where the npc is trying to choose which fossil to pick up and turned on/off the Pokemon followers too, so they can't mess the event up.
Fixed- Ash and Pokemon npcs movements in the events on Viridian Forest, and turned on/off the Pokemon followers too, so they can't mess the event up.
Fixed- Looker typo on Pewter City, when he says "...that I was someone extraordinary.", it should be "...that I was someone extraordinaire.".
Fixed- Daisy typo on Cerulean GYM, when she says "...choose to be my boyfriend, but your ...", it should be "...choose to be my boyfriend, but you're ...".
Fixed- Error when the player's Pokemon is holding a Rowap Berry, which triggers when the foe uses a special move against the player.
Fixed- Paralyze heal names, icons and script calls names when the player receives this item thought hidden items on the maps, it was called as Parlyz Heal, but it now is called as Paralyze Heal as it should be.
Fixed- The Team Rocket's Hideout of Celadon, elevator choice text, instead of being B4F-B2F-B1F, it should be this order, B1F-B2F-B4F same for the teleporters there.
Fixed- Bug with all the Kanto's Safari Zone teleporters events, where for some odd reason, they are trying to load a truck graphic in which the game's system is constantly saying that its missing, and because of this, it reduces a bit the gameplay.
Fixed- Clouds animations that still appears on Safari Zone Gatehouses, Bug Catching Contests Gatehouses or Rest Houses, when the player exists from those events through an autorun event that forces the player to exit, for ex: when the player runs out of time or steps.
Fixed- Misplaced Pokemon shape icons, when the players selects a shape to search on the Pokedex search mode.
Fixed- Kanto Safari maps borders, in which the players can still see a "black border" when they are teleporting into a new safari map or section.
Fixed- Missing the enhanced UI game mechanic in which it display colorful letters close to the stats to inform better the player about what stat its better and so on in the Pokemon summary.
Fixed- Missing Dynamax bar display, which it doesn't appear when the Pokemon contests page are triggered on, which it adds a second page on the stats page in the Pokemon summary.
Fixed- Typo from Miranda, where in the text: "...But thare are no POKéMON...", changed thare into there.
Fixed- All the events related to the Mewtwo strikes back events on Cinnabar Mansion, in which walk through On/OFF were added into their npcs movements.
Fixed- Minor bugs related to the Goldenrod underground shutters puzzle.
Fixed- Some mints bugs on their graphics.
Fixed- Following Pokemon item name error for Lone Earing, it should be Lone Earring, when the Pokemon is trying to give the player that item.
Fixed- Mismatched battle backgrounds or battle bases on some areas of a map, for ex: when fishing on top of beach bubbles animation, the battle base is water but the background is inddors, but should be also water in this case.
Fixed- Team Rocket Submarine doesn't disappear after the player defeat the Team Rocket on Route Q.
Fixed- An error related to the game's panoramas and fogs, in which it appears frequently on all outside maps or maps with Pokemon wild encounters, it's not entirely a proper fix, but it do its job for now.
Fixed- Bank of Mom error/crash after the player used the options: "deposit or withdraw money from her", the error appears after the player catches a Pokemon, runing from a battle or in trainer battles.
Fixed- An error when trying to evolve the Slowpoke Galarian forms.
Fixed- When selling certain items to PokeMarts, the player only receives 25% of the price/value of a selling item, for ex: selling a Nugget, the player should receive 5.000 and not 2.500 cash by selling it to PokeMarts.
Fixed- A weird problem with fogs inside of Lost Cave maps in which the fog persists outside of that cave.

Pokémon Chronicles Version 20.3 People10


Downloaded all the game parts and now what?

1- Place all parts in the same directory / folder / location.
2- Right click on part 1 and then extract it to from the game's exe.
3- With the game's exe. You can delete the winrar parts. Because you've got what you want, the game's exe.
4- Install the game normally and check the Word files for more information about the game installation.


Note: Remember, this project is still under development.
This is a PC fangame not a hack room.
To download the game, people must be registered in this forum.
The game provides players with Word files with instructions about installation and other usefull things.
Please read carefuly when instaling the game.

People's scripts and other kinds of stuff are credited inside the game in final credits.

Technical Support/Game's Email: pokemonchroniclesrpg@gmail.com

Discord: Richard PT#5878

Pokemon Chronicles FanGame Discord Server for Technical Support too: https://discord.gg/HtjXnN9

Joiplay Discord for Technical Support: https://discord.com/invite/BQbeNzyUYt

Pokémon Chronicles Version 20.3 Pc10

Download Pokémon Chronicles (WITH INSTALLATION EXE): 

Mediafire Server- Unavailable unless people requested this section...

Mega Server- Unavailable unless people requested this section...


Mediafire Server- A new version has been released - version 20.4.

Mega Server- A new version has been released - version 20.4.

Download Joiplay Compatibility Patch to run the game on Android Operating Systems (optional):

Word File with instructions: https://www.mediafire.com/file/gk1l4sy5cdez2zi/Joiplay_Instalation_Instructions.docx/file
Joiplay Files - v1.20.530 - August 4th 2024

NScripterPLugin - v1.00.10 - Jun 9th 2024
RPGMPlugin - v1.20.90 - August 4th 2024

patches.json - it will be always these file.

Note: Updated the Word file for better installation Instructions.

Pokémon Chronicles Version 20.3 Games_10
Ricardo PT
Ricardo PT

Mensagens : 521
PokéPontos : 763
Reputação : 13
Data de inscrição : 23/12/2013
Idade : 36
Localização : Portugal


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