Pokémon Chronicles
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» Stuck in pewter city.
I can't get into the Dojo of the Four Kings, and players will always be stuck in the door. I_icon_minitimeDom Dez 15, 2024 10:12 pm por Ricardo PT

» Secret of Tanoby Key
I can't get into the Dojo of the Four Kings, and players will always be stuck in the door. I_icon_minitimeQua Set 25, 2024 7:36 pm por Ricardo PT

» Pokémon Chronicles Version 20.4
I can't get into the Dojo of the Four Kings, and players will always be stuck in the door. I_icon_minitimeSáb Set 21, 2024 12:16 pm por Ricardo PT

» can t move after entering elite 4 in kanto
I can't get into the Dojo of the Four Kings, and players will always be stuck in the door. I_icon_minitimeTer Set 17, 2024 3:57 pm por maskmane1

» I can't get into the Dojo of the Four Kings, and players will always be stuck in the door.
I can't get into the Dojo of the Four Kings, and players will always be stuck in the door. I_icon_minitimeQui Ago 15, 2024 12:05 pm por user66b9850e54a80

» Pokémon Chronicles Version 20.3
I can't get into the Dojo of the Four Kings, and players will always be stuck in the door. I_icon_minitimeQua Jul 17, 2024 1:51 pm por Ricardo PT

» intefinder crash game
I can't get into the Dojo of the Four Kings, and players will always be stuck in the door. I_icon_minitimeSeg Jul 08, 2024 8:48 pm por Ricardo PT

» Pokémon Chronicles Version 20.2
I can't get into the Dojo of the Four Kings, and players will always be stuck in the door. I_icon_minitimeTer maio 21, 2024 4:41 pm por Ricardo PT

» Pokémon Chronicles Version 20.1
I can't get into the Dojo of the Four Kings, and players will always be stuck in the door. I_icon_minitimeSáb Abr 20, 2024 11:36 am por Ricardo PT

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I can't get into the Dojo of the Four Kings, and players will always be stuck in the door.

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I can't get into the Dojo of the Four Kings, and players will always be stuck in the door. Empty I can't get into the Dojo of the Four Kings, and players will always be stuck in the door.

Mensagem por user66b9850e54a80 Qui Ago 15, 2024 2:58 am

I can't get into the Dojo of the Four Kings, and players will always be stuck in the door. Bug10
This will make it impossible for players to clear customs, which is a very serious mistake. Is there any other way to fix it? Crying or Very sad

Mensagens : 2
PokéPontos : 4
Reputação : 0
Data de inscrição : 14/08/2024

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I can't get into the Dojo of the Four Kings, and players will always be stuck in the door. Empty Re: I can't get into the Dojo of the Four Kings, and players will always be stuck in the door.

Mensagem por Ricardo PT Qui Ago 15, 2024 10:47 am

user66b9850e54a80 escreveu:I can't get into the Dojo of the Four Kings, and players will always be stuck in the door. Bug10
This will make it impossible for players to clear customs, which is a very serious mistake. Is there any other way to fix it? Crying or Very sad

Yeah, other players mentioned this bug. The thing is that i'm revamping all the maps and tilesets that were made in the wrong way and at the same time i'm optimising all the maps and tilesets section, which is a huge revamping and impact on the game. This was supposed to be on v20 update, which its now the "mother" for the rest of the game updates until i finish the game completly, but since the covid period, i took two years to release that update cus i needed a coder too to progress the project into a new engine that time, which i recruited later on, and to avoid players to wait more months, i did things at a certain point, but i warned that the game is on a middle of a revamping process with the old content, which is almost over. The upcoming v20.4 will finish the last maps revamping and it will bring more bug fixes reported by the players so far. I'll try to release it somewhere in September 2024.

About your bug, the only thing i can do here, is to grab your save file and put your char in place, but, i don't know what will happens if you get stuck again in the other rooms, so, my advice will be this for now, avoid going into the elite 4 for now and explore the kanto's region maps or catch and train more pokemon until i release a new game update to fix the bugs. I'm only one guy doing sooo many stuff at the same time, so i think that's understandable that this bugs may occur. But sorry for the bugs anyway. XD
Ricardo PT
Ricardo PT

Mensagens : 521
PokéPontos : 763
Reputação : 13
Data de inscrição : 23/12/2013
Idade : 36
Localização : Portugal


user66b9850e54a80 gosta desta mensagem

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I can't get into the Dojo of the Four Kings, and players will always be stuck in the door. Empty Re: I can't get into the Dojo of the Four Kings, and players will always be stuck in the door.

Mensagem por user66b9850e54a80 Qui Ago 15, 2024 12:05 pm

Ok, thank you for your reply. I think I will wait for your next update, because it is a very good revision, and I have been waiting for several years, haha. Very Happy

Mensagens : 2
PokéPontos : 4
Reputação : 0
Data de inscrição : 14/08/2024

Ricardo PT gosta desta mensagem

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I can't get into the Dojo of the Four Kings, and players will always be stuck in the door. Empty Re: I can't get into the Dojo of the Four Kings, and players will always be stuck in the door.

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