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Pokémon Chronicles Version 20.4
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Pokémon Chronicles Version 20.4
In the world which you are about to enter, you will embark on a grand adventure, with you as the hero. Speak to people and check things wherever you go, be it towns, roads, or caves. Gather information and hints from every source.
New paths will open to you by helping people in need, overcoming challenges, and solving mysteries. At times, you will be challenged by others and attacked by wild creatures. Be brave and keep pushing on.
Through your adventure, we hope that you will interact with all sorts of people and achieve personal growth. That is our biggest objective.
Your dream is to become the best Pokemon Master in the world of Pokemon, but for that, you must prove yourself worthy of that title by collecting badges through 5 entire regions and becoming the champion in each region, until you'll be selected to participate in the Battle Frontier, last step to prove yourself worthy of the title.
Catch every Pokemon to fulfill your Pokedex and put an end in 3 evil teams schemes to prevent world crysis.
Will you fulfill your dream to become a Pokemon Master?
What's new in this version of Pokémon Chronicles v20.4:
1- Added a new type of "Sellsman" on Hamlin Island:
Added an NPC that sells you some ingredients to craft items, mostly rocks, minerails and junk, on Hamlin Island, in the Orange Archipelago.
2- Added new map objects:
Added some Regis status and themed ancient ruins doors, at the Regis caves entrences to add more vibe of ancient ruins into them for this maps: Route 105 + Route 111 + Route 120 + Ruins Valley + Mt. Ember outside map.
0- Other Things:
Added- Missing npc icons for the Pokegear for the trainers that were register for rematches. This also fixed a game error/crash and a fix were made on the script too.
Added- Missing party icon for Guzzlord and for its shiny form too.
Added- Common events on the game's database for this trainers: Giselle + A. J. + Boy Samurai.
Added- Missing Pokegear icons for this trainers: Giselle + A. J. + Boy Samurai.
Added- Graphics for Pokemon female Gigantamax forms, which are need for the Pokedex to register them.
Added- Missing Apricorn tree graphics for the Brown apricorn trees.
Optimised- Removed Tilesets that were made in the wrong way and added an updated version of them to optimise this maps: Johto Research Center map + Johto Gyms maps + Johto League maps +
Johto Team Rocket Hideout maps + Sprout Tower maps + Burned Tower map + Tin Tower maps + Hoenn Gyms maps + Hoenn League maps + Mauville Game Corner map + Mauville Bike Shop map +
All the Pharmacy maps + All Hoenn PokeMarts maps + Goldenrod PokeBank map + Art Museum maps + Oceanic Museum maps + Shipyard maps + Hoenn Harbors maps + S. S. Tidal maps +
Hoenn PokeCenters maps + Devon Co. maps + Route 39 Barn map + Rustboro School map + Route 117 Day-Care Service map + Prof. Birch Lab map + Lanette House map + Space Center maps +
Weather Institute maps + Seashore House map + Glass Workshop map + Mr. Briney House map + Hoenn Safari Zone Gatehouse map + Hoenn Safari Rest House map + Route 110 Gatehouses maps +
Hoenn Town Houses maps + Slateport Fan Club map + All the Flower Shops maps + All Cable Car Stations maps + Johto Town Houses maps + Trick House maps + Goldenrod Underground maps +
New Mauville Power Plant map + Johto Day-Care Service map + Olivine Lighthouse maps + Route 28 Power Plant map + Abandoned Ship maps + Goldenrod Radio Tower maps +
Team Aqua Hideout maps + Lilycove Dept. Store maps + Trainer Hill maps + Ecruteak Dance Theather map + Battle Tents maps + Battle Frontier Gate map + Battle Frontier Town Houses maps +
Battle Frontier Ranking Hall map + Battle Point Exchange Service Corner map + Battle Factory maps + Battle Palace maps + Battle Pyramid maps + Battle Pike maps + Battle Arena maps +
Battle Dome maps + Battle Tower maps + Route 40 Battle Tower maps.
Updated- Some gen 9 Pokemon battle sprites for better drawn ones and added missing shiny battle sprites too for: Sinistcha + Fidough + Lechonk + Oinkologne male and female + Quaxly + Toedscool.
Changed- Olivine City Harbor building with the same style as the one from the Sevii Islands, to match better this kind of harbors.
Changed/Fixed- Black Belt Kiyo on Mt. Mortar when he is trying to give Tyrogue to the player, a bug appears due to a script checking if the player still has space on the PC Boxes. Also, he now will ask first if you want Tyrogue or not, you can always receive it later at anytime.
Removed- Map Tilesets and autotiles made in the wrong way.
Fixed- Some tiles priorities around the doors entrances tiles to fix some visuals bugs, when the player cames out with his Pokemon follower and the Pokemon doesn't be "covered by the building".
Fixed- Some items descriptions, where they doesn't explain well their effects due to be replaced by battle styles and focus item descriptions.
Fixed- Missing Bug Gem graphic when the player is playing the mining for items minigame.
Fixed- Lots of text typos on the Mewtwo's birth story when accessing a PC on Cinnabar Lab through the use of the Lost Disc.
Fixed- The birth of Mewtwo sound, which is damaged at the end. This background sound plays on an event about the Mewtwo's birth story when accessing a PC on Cinnabar Lab through the use of the Lost Disc.
Fixed- Wrong icon graphics for Relic Copper and Relic Silver.
Fixed- In the Power Of One event, in the festival house, the player can't sit of his chair because of the tiles movements priorities/changes, wich the player and npcs can't go throuh the chairs backs to be more realistic.
Fixed- Players can't talk to the Two Island Game Corner npcs due to the missing tiles priorities and settings, which makes impossible to reach those npcs there.
Fixed- A bug about the Kumquat's Elevator not working properly when the player is interacting with it.
Fixed- When the player battles Gary on Route 22, when the player has access to go into the Pokemon League, and it didn't faced it in the right direction to face Gary.
Fixed- Tilesets bug with the holes on the Tanoby Key cave, which was impossible to pt the boulders in the holes.
Fixed- Players being stuck on Kanto Elite's Four rooms by the shutters that closes behind them.
Fixed- Bug on surfable tiles on Route 120, which won't let players surfing on them in which they can't reach the small cave there.
Fixed- A tile priority that blocks the player movements on Kanto's Radio Tower, when the player is trying to reach the Fiorello Cappucino npc.
Fixed- Missing maps due to the map revamping.
Fixed- Wrong assigned game switches to Pokenav match calls option, which forbids players to access it due to the wrong switches numbers assigned to it, which they are on instead of turning off.
Fixed- Broken Battle Pike Theme song, its broken at the very start when it plays, which sounds horrible.
Fixed- Typo at the start of the game, where the player mentions that will use its "bag bed" to sleep on Ash's house, "...I am am...", "am" is repeated twice.
Fixed- An error due to an incompatibility bewteen Berry Pots game mechanic and the world soils when planting Apricorns or Berries on the respective methods.
Fixed- Improved all the anime intro pictures into better and clean ones.
Fixed- Wrong script call in the game master Richard is trying to give the PokeRadar key item to the player on the Game Creator's Mansion in Celadon City.
Fixed- Steven movements and the Pokemon follower call script on Sootopolis City, which the event freezes, when Steven is guiding the player to the Cave of Origin.
Fixed- Gigantomax forms of female and genderless not being registered and displayed on the Pokedex forms page and on the other pages too.
Fixed- All events with pokegear/pokenav phone registers script calls, where map IDs and event IDs were added on the wrong places.
Fixed- error/crash when the players tries to check certain trainers information on the Pokegear, phone calls page.
Fixed- Npc not being on its proper place at Hoenn Safari Zone, since its not blocking the player to access a certain Safari Zone areas until a certain point.
Fixed- When players pushes boulders around and they won't go on top of tiles with only this directions: left - down - right and on top of items spots after the players picked them.
Fixed- When players pushes boulders around and they won't go on top of rock smashes or cut trees tiles/events after the player "erased/destroyed" them.
Fixed- Melmetal overworld sprites graphic positions, it looks weird when walking and some of the movements are not centered well.
Fixed- Itemfinder or Itemfinder app from Poketch or Dowsing Machine now won't detect the hidden item - Machine Part on Cerulean GYM anymore after the players picked it. The switches have changed and due to that, the event has reseted.
Fixed- When the player goes to Slateport PokeMart and in the middle of the room, after pressing the "C" button, an error/crash appears. It's because that's there an invisible event that wants to trigger with an old script call in which creates the error/crash, but that event shouldn't be there, it was removed.
Fixed- Safari Zone Gatehouse NPC bug, when the player exits the safari zone earlier and instead of selecting yes or no options, if the player use a "cancel" button instead, the npc will no longer repeats its event commands or forces the player moving down until he get stuck.
Fixed- Safari Zone Gatehouse NPC bug, when the player is trying to enter and once again, if he doesn't select an option yes or no, but using a "cancel" button instead, the player cancel the npc events commands and can move freely until the safari zone entrance, which nothing happens and the entrance doesn't have a teleporter event, because the npc is the one handling it.
Fixed- When the player enter a Safari Zone game, instead of the events forbiding the trainer partners to enter being on the first Safari map, the npc at the Safari Zone gate will now handling this, which those events were removed and due to that, the gameplay improved a bit on the first Safari map because of that, since those events having a couple of script calls to check at the same time.
Fixed- When exit an elevator and it doesn't match the floor the player is in, or when using it to a certain floor and got teleported to a different floor.
Note: Remember, this project is still under development.
This is a PC fangame not a hack rom.
To download the game, people must be registered in this forum.
The game provides players with Word files with instructions about installation and other usefull things.
Please read carefuly when instaling the game.
People's scripts and other kinds of stuff are credited inside the game in final credits.
Technical Support/Game's Email:
Pokemon Chronicles FanGame Discord Server for Technical Support too:
Joiplay Discord for Technical Support:
Download Pokémon Chronicles (WITH INSTALLATION EXE):
Mediafire Server- Unavailable unless people requested this section...
Mega Server- Unavailable unless people requested this section...
Mediafire Server-
Mega Server-
Download Joiplay Compatibility Patch to run the game on Android Operating Systems (optional):
Word File with instructions:
Joiplay Files - v1.20.550 - December 6th 2024
NScripterPLugin - v1.00.10 - Jun 9th 2024
RPGMPlugin - v1.21.10 - December 6th 2024
patches.json - it will be always these file.
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