Pokémon Chronicles
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» Stuck in pewter city.
Stuck Inside Rocket's Hideout on Orange Islands I_icon_minitimeDom Dez 15, 2024 10:12 pm por Ricardo PT

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Stuck Inside Rocket's Hideout on Orange Islands I_icon_minitimeQua Set 25, 2024 7:36 pm por Ricardo PT

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Stuck Inside Rocket's Hideout on Orange Islands

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Stuck Inside Rocket's Hideout on Orange Islands Empty Stuck Inside Rocket's Hideout on Orange Islands

Mensagem por michiganstebo Sáb Set 02, 2023 3:16 am

The elevator doesn't have a cursor to go up to any other floor. I am down in the basement and no matter what when I go into the elevator and out it takes me there, or if I try to use the elevator to go up it does nothing

Mensagens : 4
PokéPontos : 8
Reputação : 0
Data de inscrição : 24/08/2015

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Stuck Inside Rocket's Hideout on Orange Islands Empty Re: Stuck Inside Rocket's Hideout on Orange Islands

Mensagem por Ricardo PT Sáb Set 02, 2023 5:01 pm

michiganstebo escreveu:The elevator doesn't have a cursor to go up to any other floor. I am down in the basement and no matter what when I go into the elevator and out it takes me there, or if I try to use the elevator to go up it does nothing

I answered this through your email, but i will post here a more or less a solution in case others see this.

Chronicles v19.5 was a buged version of the game released during the covid period and with the lack of resources we add at that time. sorry by that, we did our best at that time, and some errors came from the game's engine itself, which it's not our fault.

If you manage to exit from that map, go to celadon dept. store and use the elevator there 2 or 3 times to force the other elevators to refresh the code/event, so they can run better, you only need to use this trick once, since that your save file will save things on it.

But, some bugs may be more persistent, in that case theres not much i can do until the release of a new game's update, which i fixed the issue on v20 update.

In any case, i can use the save files to move the player character out of maps or to simply put them on any other map or situation.
Ricardo PT
Ricardo PT

Mensagens : 521
PokéPontos : 763
Reputação : 13
Data de inscrição : 23/12/2013
Idade : 36
Localização : Portugal


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Stuck Inside Rocket's Hideout on Orange Islands Empty Re: Stuck Inside Rocket's Hideout on Orange Islands

Mensagem por michiganstebo Sáb Set 02, 2023 8:31 pm

I saved both files from the saved file folder



Thank you again for the help Smile

Mensagens : 4
PokéPontos : 8
Reputação : 0
Data de inscrição : 24/08/2015

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Stuck Inside Rocket's Hideout on Orange Islands Empty Re: Stuck Inside Rocket's Hideout on Orange Islands

Mensagem por Ricardo PT Dom Set 03, 2023 1:12 pm

michiganstebo escreveu:I saved both files from the saved file folder



Thank you again for the help Smile

Well, i checked your save game to see where and why that bug happens, and to fix that issue i have other and temporary fix for that until the release of v20, which i'm hoping to release it at the end of this year. So, download this map file and paste it on the game's Data folder and substitute the file there. After this, when you play the game, an npc will be there to facilitate you to go up or down the elevator, since that for some reason the elevator there is broken.

Ricardo PT
Ricardo PT

Mensagens : 521
PokéPontos : 763
Reputação : 13
Data de inscrição : 23/12/2013
Idade : 36
Localização : Portugal


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