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Pokémon Chronicles Version 20
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Pokémon Chronicles Version 20
Game Features:
Game's Sinopse:
In the world which you are about to enter, you will embark on a grand adventure, with you as the hero. Speak to people and check things wherever you go, be it towns, roads, or caves. Gather information and hints from every source.
New paths will open to you by helping people in need, overcoming challenges, and solving mysteries. At times, you will be challenged by others and attacked by wild creatures. Be brave and keep pushing on.
Through your adventure, we hope that you will interact with all sorts of people and achieve personal growth. That is our biggest objective.
Your dream is to become the best Pokemon Master in the world of Pokemon, but for that, you must prove yourself worthy of that title by collecting badges through 5 entire regions and becoming the champion in each region, until you'll be selected to participate in the Battle Frontier, last step to prove yourself worthy of the title.
Catch every Pokemon to fulfill your Pokedex and put an end in 3 evil teams schemes to prevent world crysis.
Will you fulfill your dream to become a Pokemon Master?
What's new in this version of Pokémon Chronicles v20:
1- Improved Pokedex Graphics:
Improved the Pokedex and graphics into a more modern ones. The pokemon types matches the ones from the gen 8 and the dex layout is from gen 5 games. It is also animated now, instead of always static. The design is improved too to make it more easy to read and search for pokemon info.
2- Improved Advanced Dex Option:
Improved the advanced dex option, from the main pokedex, to match better all this newly pokedex changes and new graphics. It is more easy to read and see now all the pokemon info you need.
3- Improved Starter Selection Scene:
Improved the starter selection scene with better graphics and animations, the background will change depending on the pokemon that the player is about to choose.
4- Improved Pause Menu:
Improved the pause menu for a better one with a new cool design. The players can choose up to 8 themes of their liking. It also is more interactive, and it now shows you, your pokemon in the party, day, month, year, hours, location. Those minor info that can be handy sometimes.
5- Improved Save Game Scene:
Improved the save game scene to a more detailed one and to match the gen 5 games. When the player saves his game, this window will appear with this detailed info about your adventure.
6- Improved Item Crafter System:
Removed the old item crafter system and added a new and improved one. When the player wants to craft an item, it now shows the item description, icon and how much items the player will get after crafting each time. With this improved system, the player can craft an item that requires up to six ingredients in total, but the majority will requires 2 or 3 ingredients to craft something. Theres more than 110 unique recipes to craft items around the 5 regions to collect. The item crafter is a key item that is received at the start of the game and it will be empty without any recipes, the player must collect them through events to unlock them, they will be uploaded automatically into the key item.
7- Improved Egg Hatch Scene:
Improved the egg hatch scene animation and new graphics to match the gen 5 games.
8- Added Minor npcs Faces:
Added some "trainer faces" to npc's in texts to make the game more lively with about 65 unique faces.
9- Changed Text Frames:
Changed some text frames to catch better the player's eye to some important text and things. Brown for locations, grey for when the player receives an item or for some important info and interactions that requires the player's attention in the game.
10- New Evolution Scene:
Changed the evolution scene for the one from the gen 5 games to be more appealing to the eye.
11- Poke Balls New Mechanic:
Added a new mechanic/feature to all the game's Poke Balls. When the player is outside of battle, choose a poke ball and select "use", after that, choose a Pokemon in your party to swap the poke ball for the one his in. Sometimes you can broke poke balls during this process. Here's an ex: In the picture, i caught my charizard in an Ultra Ball, but i want it inside of a normal poke ball, so, i will swap the ultra ball for the poke ball, and from now on, it will be inside of a normal poke ball. Poke Balls with effects, like heal ball or dark ball, will apply those effects normally.
12- Exit Arrows:
Added the "exit Arrows" into the game's maps to point better the maps exit. The arrows has a small animation, turning them white and red.
13- Key Items Animation Scene:
Added a new animation scene when the players receives key items only.
14- Item Overworld Icons:
Changed all the items overworld poke ball icons, and turned them into their respective icons, to give a different looking and variety into the game. The items that doesn't have their own icon, will be inside of a box, instead of a poke ball icon. This way it makes things a bit more realistic.
15- Improved NPC Trainers:
Improved / Added - some overworld NPC trainers to match their "nature":
They are: Camper (Hoenn), Picnicker (Hoenn), Male Swimmers (Kanto/Hoenn), Female Swimmers (Kanto/Hoenn), Male and Female Tubers (Kanto/Hoenn), Male and Female Thriathlete Swimmers (Hoenn), Team Magma Grunts, Team Aqua Grunts, Maxie, Tabitha, Courtney, Matt, Shelby, Sebastian, Namba, Viper, Wendy, Miyamoto, Mondo, Male and Female Thriathlete Bicyclers (Hoenn), Aroma Lady (Hoenn), Ninja Boy, Young Couple (Hoenn), Male and Female Psychics (Hoenn), Pokemaniac (Hoenn), Teammates Sr. and Jr. (Hoenn), Female Skier.
Updated the fame checker trainer icons too.
16- Improved Team Rocket VS Animation:
Improved Team Rocket, Magma and Aqua VS Animation Scene to make a better entrance when fighting the liders or members of this evil teams. Also added VS Animation Scenes in some Pokemon events.
17- Improved Quests System:
Removed the old script about the quests system and changed it into a better and modernized one. The Players can access the quests screen through: the key item Journal, through the new pause menu, a icon/option will be added there.
How it works:
1- When a player receives a new quest, a notification pops up in form of a message and in the pause menu too.
2- New quests that pops up into the Journal, a square with ! will notice the player about that new quest entry in the quests log screen. The player is also notified when a quest is completed.
3- When the player selects a quest to read its content, two pages are shown:
a) The first one has: the quests description + Task + Location where the player needs to go to do the task.
b) the second one has: Quest stage + who gived the quest + where the player received it + quest start time, later on it will show when the player finished it + quests reward given by completing quests.
4- When a quest is completed, it will be moved into the completed quests page.
Quests in red means: Important quests (the player must to this ones to progress further in the game),
Quests in orange means: Important quests too, but this ones consists only of Pokemon league quests,
Quests in blue means: Secondary quests (the player don't need to do this quests to progress further in the game),
Quests in green means: Completed quests.
18- Improved Bag Screen:
Improved the Bag screen into a better system and functions. The background in now animated and it change the color depending on each bag's pocket. This also has the Pokemon party screen integrated with it. When a player uses an item or a TM for example, you can do it from the bag instead of going into the party. This way shows the player a better way and more faster an item or TM in which a Pokemon are able to use it. This has support for the script that allows the player to change the Pokemon's poke ball into another one of other type. This is a gen 8 mechanic from the official games by the way.
19- Improved Location Signpost:
Removed the old location signpost and seasons scripts, to change them into one. This improved location signpost displays info about the players current location and which season is currently on. Its a game mechanic/feature from the black and white official games, gen 5.
20- Added the Destiny Deoxys Movie Events:
Added the Pokemon movie 7: Destiny Deoxys events.
This events will solely be on Hoenn Battle Frontier, a sinopse will play after the player steps this island, telling a short story about what happened before, like in the other events from the anime series.
The main thing that the player must do, is too stop the fighting between Deoxys and Rayquaza in some way, and at the same time, the player must fix the mad island robots that currently are malfunction. Since that the island was being evacuated, the battle facilities were temporarly shut down, until the crysis is over.
Quests will be added in the key item: Journal, to guide and instruct the player about what to do to solve this events. Rewards will be there too.
After all of this, things will turn back to normally and the battle facilities will be re-open. Note that in this update, only Battle Pyramid is available until further updates.
21- Added New Game Events:
Added new game events for the Legendary and mytical Pokemon:
Darkrai - It will start at Mandarin Island North, there's a kid that is having non stop nightmares, his parents will ask the player to go to MT. Moon first to gather a Lunar Wing from Cresselia, then the player can go to the kid with the nightmares to awake him from them, since that Drakrai is behind the scenes. As a last reward of a series of quests, the player receive the key item, member card, to open a door to a house on that same island. Then the player meets a weird character there and after going to a bed there, the player start to have a "dream", through that "dream", the player is teleported to Dark Cave in order to face Darkrai, to put an end to its evil nightmares. Through this, the player will have a chance to capture it and its the only way to have it in the game. Journal quests were added to the quests list to help the player with this events.
Cresselia - It will start roaming in Kanto Region, after the player gets the Lunar Wing in the Darkrai events. The two events are related and connected.
Shaymin - It will start at Pacifidlog Town, where a Prof. Oak's Aide is waiting for the player to give the Oak's Letter to him. After that, the player must go to Ever Grande City, to interact white a stone tablet, a white rock, and Prof. Oak to solve the mystery of that tablet. Then Shaymin appeared and flee from the player, it will be in the same area, where the player can interact with it to catch it. Journal key item were updated to receive quests related to this events to help the player. Also, there's an aroma lady at Route 117, where she can give a gracidea flower to the player, if Shaymin is in the party. Fiorelo Fiorentino (Celadon Radio Tower) no longer gives gracidea to the player in exchange of a Pearl String, he will now give a Marble instead.
Kyurem - After the player becomes the new Hoenn champion, the scientist at the Weather Institute, at Route 119, will report strange weather anomalies in some areas of Hoenn region. He will first report about the heavy rainfall at Route 105, which the player can battle Kyogre, a drought at Route 114, which the player can battle Groudon, and a snowfall at Route 125, which the player can battle Kyurem at a very high level. The correspondent quests will be added into the Journal to guide the players and to give rewards related to this kind of events, in case of Kyurem, the quest will reaward the player with a DNA Splicers.
Spiritomb - Now in Route N, in the Orange Archipelago, a destroyed stone tower will be there permanently. When a player brings an Odd Keystone and then "speaking" with the stone tower, it will "ask" the player, if he will use an Odd Keystone, if the player says yes, then a Spiritomb will appear to battle the player at a decent level. Note that one Odd Keystone will be deleted in each use. And the player can repeat the process forever. By the way, you can get Odd Keystones from the mining minigame in certain caves, one time per day.
Victini - After the player become the Johto champion, Victini and a Team Rocket Grunt will appear in the Johto Victory Road. The player will battle first against the Team Rocket Grunt, then the player can catch Victini, at a low level.
Genesect - After the player become the Hoenn champion, and after the events in Route 110, New Mauville Power Plant, where Giovanni mentioned that Team Rocket will join forces with Team Plasma in Unova Region, a former Team Plasma Scientist will appear in the Mandarin Island North, Abandoned Power Plant. He will explain all the creation of Genesect and its drivers experiments, then he will battle the player. And after the player beats it, he will give 2 drivers to the player and he releases Genesect too, which after that, the player can catch it at low level and obtain the last 2 drivers.
22- Improved PC Storage Box:
Changed the graphics for the Pokemon PC Storage Box, to make it better to the eye and more colorful, instead of all that white.
23- Added the PokeSearch game mechanic:
Added a new Key Item related to this new game mechanic: PokeSearch.
It allows the players to find the specific encounters they are looking for, and also allows berries to be more interesting.
It's a single UI script that allows the player to input a Pokémon that is available in the current map, enter a repel to increase the odds of a successful encounter, and add a berry in order to give the encounter some 'spice'.
Once they hit search they have a chance to encounter that specific Pokémon.
Depending on the used repel the player will have a 10-100% chance of getting their preferred encounter.
The Pokémon will have the average level of the current map +- 2 levels.
Berries have specific effects on the encounter such as increasing the shiny odds.
All of the Repel and Berry Effects:
No Repel: small (10%) chance of successful encounter.
Repel: decent (50%) chance of successful encounter.
Super Repel: good (80%) chance of successful encounter.
Max Repel: guaranteed chance of successful encounter.
Lum Berry: increased odds of hidden ability encounters.
Status Berries: increased odds of pokerus encounters.
Oran Berry: encounters have slightly increased IV values.
Sitrus Berry: encounters have significantly increased IV values.
Enigma Berry: increased odds of shiny encounters.
Leppa Berry: increased odds of lower level encounters.
Misc. Berries: increased odds of higher level encounters.
Note: This key Item is given by Looker at Pewter City.
24- Added a new game mechanic: Encounters UI:
Added a new game mechanic in the pause menu: the encounters UI.
With this new game mechanic, the player can see what kind of Pokemon species can be found on a specific encounter type in the current map where the player currently is.
This can indicate the encounters in:
Grass areas = in daytime, nightime and etc.
Rock Smash.
Headbutt low and high.
Phenomenon in grass, water, caves, sky.
all the rods.
Also, the background of the image changes to match the encounters type.
Info about the encounters UI:
If you didn't see a Pokemon, it will show as ?.
If you saw a Pokemon, but didn't own that specie, it will be shown in gray colors.
If you have a Pokemon that is already on the list, then it wil be shown in full colors.
This game mechanic will be displayed at the start of the game.
25- Improved the Berry Pots Game Mechanic:
Added a new tiny option that lets the player to choose what watering pail they want to use. Due to a game bug about this matter, this option was added, so the system can process better the correspondent watering pail when a player uses one.
Added the option to plant and fertilize apricorns.
Added more 6 berry pots, they will be a total of 10 berry pots. But, it will start with 4 berry pots, to have the other 6, the player must progress in the game to unlock one at a time.
Added a few more quests related to the Squirtbottle and Sudowoodo events, to better guide the player in how to do all the steps until it receives the Berry Pots key item.
Changed a bit those related events.
26- Added the New Pokemon and Forms from Legend Arceus:
Added the new Pokemon dex entries, forms and regional forms into the game. Added missing Kyurem forms for Black Kyurem and White Kyurem "Active mode". Kyurem has a total of 4 forms.
New Pokemon entries:
Stantler = Has Move Psychic, using it for 20 times and level up = Wyrdeer,
Scyther = Use Black Augurite = Kleavor,
Ursaring = Use Peat Block at night time = Ursaluna,
Hisuian Sneasel = Day Hold Item Sharp Claw and level up = Sneasler,
Hisuian Qwilfish = Has Move Poison Sting, using it for 20 times and level up = Overqwil,
Hisuian Basculin = must receive recoil damage 294 and he must not die and level up = Basculegion,
New Pokemon Forms:
Enamorus = use Reveal Glass = Enamorus Therian Form = use it again to revert the process,
Dialga = use Adamant Crystal = Dialga Origin Form = use it again to revert the process,
Palkia = use Lustrous Globe = Palkia Origin Form = use it again to revert the process.
Giratina = use Griseous Core = Giratina Origin Form = use it again to revert the process.
Hisuian Pokemon Forms and lines:
Hisuian Growlithe = use Fire Stone = Hisuian Arcanine,
Hisuian Voltorb = use Leaf Stone = Hisuian Electrode,
Johtonian Cyndaquil = level 17 = Johtonian Quilava = level 36 = Hisuian Typhlosion,
Hisuian Sneasel = Day Hold Item Sharp Claw and level up = Sneasler,
Hisuian Qwilfish = Has Move Poison Sting, using it for 20 times and level up = Overqwil,
Unovan Dewott = level 17 = Hisuian Samurott,
Hisuian Basculin = must receive recoil damage 294 and he must not die and level up = Basculegion,
Unovan Petilil = use Sun Stone = Hisuian Lilligant,
Hisuian Zorua = level 30 = Hisuian Zoroark,
Unovan Rufflet = level 54 = Hisuian Braviary,
Kalosian Bergmite = level 37 = Hisuian Avalugg,
Kalosian Goomy = level 40 = Hisuian Sligoo = level 50 and if its raining in the world map = Hisuian Goodra,
Alolan Dartrix = level 36 = Hisuian Decidueye.
Note: To evolve this regional forms, the player must use the item: Hisui Dust, so they can change into the Hisuian forms before they can evolve, except for the Cyndaquil line, which is Cyndaquil that needs the item and not Quilava, then evolve normally into the correspondent form. Note that the change is permanent, so think before using the item on the Pokemon.
27- Added the "Pokemon Party Selection" Game Mechanic:
Added a new game mechanic into the game related to the Pokemon party selection when the player goes to a GYM. Instead of only bringing the amount of Pokemon requested by the GYM leader, the player now can bring full Pokemon party and when the GYM leader asks for a certain number of Pokemon to battle with, the player can now choose the respective amount of Pokemon that will participate in battle, plus the player can choose their order.
Some rules were added to GYM leaders in order to participate in the battles, here some rules that the majority of the leaders and players must obey:
1- Choosing or bringing the amount of Pokemon requested by the GYM leader to battle with.
2- Pokemon eggs can't participate.
3- Already fainted Pokemon can't participate at the start of a GYM battle.
4- Trainer partners will not participate in GYM battles.
5- In some cases, GYM leaders changes their single battles into double battles.
6- Both parties can switch Pokemon during the battle.
7- Both parties can use items during the battle, including: Mega Pokemon, dynamax Pokemon, Ultra evolution Pokemon and other forms of Pokemon and mechanics.
28- Improved Some Oldest Game Features:
Updated some oldest game features, they are:
1- Party Ball icons displayed on the Pokemon Party to match their respective ball in which they are in.
2- Shiny leafs and shiny crown, six shiny leafs are required to form a shiny crown, a feature from HGSS.
3- Egg Groups being displayed in the Pokemon Summary page 2, to better inform the player the egg groups in case they want to breed certain Pokemon.
4- IVs mechanic, in which i used the stars in the older versions, i changed that to be letters instead, so players can understand better which Pokemon IV is better or not.
Minor improvements in general.
29- Added a New Game Mechanic, The Move Info Display:
To use this new game mechanic, press M when you're about to choose a move to use, press M again to close it. If you don't close it, when you choose the move to use, it will close itself.
This is a window that you can open during move selection in battle, and grants you in-depth info about each highlighted move, as well as the effectiveness of the selected move on your current opponents.
Move Flags:
Below a move's name, there is a field that may display a row of icons which indicate a variety of special properties this specific move may have. Here are all of the icons that may appear on a move, and what they represent:
Type Effectiveness:
If you're highlighting a damaging move, there will appear a section above the top right corner of the window which displays the icon of each of the opposing Pokemon on the field. Each of these icons will be contained in a colored box. The color and symbol found on this box indicates what the type effectiveness will be of your currently highlighted move if used against each opposing target. Here are the following indicators:
Z-Powered Bonuses:
Z-Powered status moves will now also display the bonus effects the move will gain from its Z-Power.
30- Added a New Type of Mart Shop, for Selling Pokemon:
Added a new type of Mart Shop that will sells Pokemon in exchange of Game Corner Coins.
This will work the same as the Mart Coins UI for Items in the Game Corners, but instead of selling items, it will sell Pokemon instead. It will facilitate navigation for players and better info on display.
31- Added a New Feature Into the Pause Menu:
Added a new feature into the pause menu: the badge case.
This little feature will inform the player about this:
1- How many badges and what badges the player currently have.
2- It will display a picture of the selected badge and its info.
3- Leader name and picture.
4- The GYM location and GYM type.
5- The Ace Pokemon.
Also, when the player defeats a GYM Leader, a new badge entry will appear and then attached into the pause menu: badge case feature.
32- Added the Focus Meter System in Battles:
A battle system mod that allows you to control traditionally RNG-based mechanics through building a meter instead.
Do you dislike the heavy reliance on RNG in Pokemon battles? Looking to add a new strategic edge to your battles? Then this plugin may be just what you're looking for!
This plugin aims to overhaul the bulk of RNG-based mechanics present in Pokemon battles with a new "Focus" mechanic that removes a lot of what makes Pokemon battles often feel cheap and unpredictable, and replaces it with something that deepens the gameplay with more meaningful decision making. In particular, the Critical Hit system, Accuracy/Evasion stats, and Additional Effect chance of moves as they currently exist in the base game are radically changed to be more fair, yet still retain the fun and flavor that have made them a mainstay in the series. Gone are the days of a rogue critical hit ruining your entire strategy, relying on dice rolls as your opponent stalls you out with Evasion spam, or feeling completely cheated because of a random Ice Beam freezing you.
Instead of all of these mechanics being completely dependent on random chance, each Pokemon may now build their "Focus" in battle, which is represented as a meter. Once the meter is full, they can harness this Focus to ensure that these RNG-dependent mechanics will instead trigger when you want them to. For example, instead of critical hits having a random chance of happening with each attack, critical hits will instead ONLY happen if a Pokemon with a full focus meter spends this meter to deal critical damage. The type of effect using your focus meter will have can be set on each individual Pokemon, allowing you to use many different sorts of strategies utilizing the focus meter.
Note however, that this plugin does not eliminate all RNG altogether. Random chance is deeply built into the battle system and part of what makes battles exciting. The goal here is to simply mitigate the more egregious examples of obnoxious RNG into an improved system that can be utilized in battle for powerful combos.
33- Added the Overworld Weather Moves:
Now, the player can use one of this moves: Hail, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Sandstorm, outside of battles as a field move, like for example an HM. With this little feature, the player can change the current weather on a map, and when he goes into battle, the weather will still be the one "summoned" by the player. Players can take this as an abvantage into battles, same works for the trainers and wild Pokemon.
34- Revamped the Punch Bag Minigame:
Revamped the Punch Bag minigame to give some rewards for the player's Pokemon.
The player can choose to "train" the Pokemon EVs or IVs for the selected Pokemon until it reaches its max.
To play this minigame, te player must talk to a black belt in the Saffron's Dojo, right side of the map.
It's free of charge and there's some expecific rules about this kind of training, the black belt there will explain everything about the minigame.
35- Added New Battle Styles: Agile and Strong:
Now, the player can use one of this battle styles: Agile or Strong style during a battle. The player can choose what style to use and he can view the info about a style anytime before confirming the use of the selected style.
To be able to use a battle style, since it won't appear inside the battles itself, the player must use at least one: Seed of Mastery item in a Pokemon move to master it, this way the battle styles option will appear when using a mastery move. Some moves can't be mastered and level up moves can now be mastered too in case of this particular fangame. Also, theres 10% change of a wild Pokemon using this battle styles too, during a battle. Note that trainers cannot use this battle styles. This idea is from the official method from Legend Arceus game, except the level up moves that can be remastered in this game.
36- Welcome to Hoenn Region Part 3 (final part):
Now players can go to: Sootopolis City, Pokemon League of Hoenn Region, Faraway Island, Cave of Origin, Sky Pillar, Artisan Cave, Hoenn Battle Frontier.
Note: Hoenn Region was totally revamped/transformated into fire red style. All the region's outside maps were remade too, including forests and caves.
37- Welcome to the Hoenn Battle Frontier:
Now, players can go to Hoenn Battle Frontier after they become the Hoenn Champion. But, in this update, only the Battle Pyramid will be available, the other facilities will be fully completed in further game updates.
In the Battle Pyramid, the player must go to the top of it, to confront the Pyramid King, Brandon. The pyramid has 7 floors in which each one has a specific theme to make the journey hard to reach the pyramids top. Each floor has some wild Pokemon encounters and some trainers too, and the maps will be dark. Brandon will be always at the top of the Pyramid and he only will give the player the gold symbol, like in the anime series, instead of giving silver and gold symbols and a number of rounds to be made until he appears, like in the official games, which all of that was changed a bit. Also, each Battle Frontier brain will unlock some special Pokemon that will start appearing in the wild as a reward too. Which is still a mystery about what kind of Pokemon are. The symbols will be displayed at the Frontier Pass, and the Battle Frontier Brains will only give you a gold symbol once, after that, they will reward the players with more BPs, which players can exchange them for prizes.
38- Added a New Battle Mechanic, the Dynamax System:
Added the Dynamax System, and an animation inside the battle when the player uses this mechanic on a Pokemon and a bunch of items were added too. Also, added the dynamax lv info in the Pokemon stats summary page.
This game mechanic works very similar to the official games, to make it available for use, the player must have a dynamax band with them and in a spot/map in which it is possible to dynamax, in which are possible in this locations:
Pokemon GYMS, Pokemon Leagues, Pokemon Trainer Towers, Trainer Hill, Battle Tents, Battle Towers, Battle Frontier, Stadiuns, special dynamax maps/areas, Eternatus spot.
The items will be available to craft at the itemcrafter key item, except for the dynamax band. Also, npcs can use the dynamax against the player too if possible. Note that the player and npcs can only dynamax once per battle with a limit of three rounds until the effect wears off.
39- Revamped Some Battle Moves Animations:
Removed all the currently Battle Moves Animations and added/revamped some of the Battle Moves Animations made by me, which are:
Clamp, Fury Cutter, Bite, Lick, Vine Whip, Karate Chop, Double Kick, Cut, Scratch, Tackle, Double Slap, Stomp, Comet Punch, Vise Grip, Body Slam, Block, Paralysis and burned animations.
More will be added in further updates.
40- Added a New Battle Mechanic, the Z-Moves:
Added the Z-Moves battle mechanic, and an animation inside the battle when the player uses this mechanic on a Pokemon and a bunch of items were added too.
The npcs will use this as well if they are equiped to do so. Also, some of the related items will be obtained through the itemcrafter key item.
To use a Z-Move, the Z-Ring/Z-power Ring must be recharged before using a z-crystal/z-move on a Pokemon. To recharge it, the player must use the Z-Boost to recharge it in battle. Note that this special moves are superpowered ones and it will consume the items.
Z-Moves can be used anywhere as long the player/pokemon are equiped for the job.
0- Other Things:
Added- 50 more PC storage boxes to store your pokemon = 100 PC storage boxes in total now.
Added- Pikachutwo form and Ash Squirtle form from the anime series.
Added- Pikachutwo form and Ash Squirtle form from the anime series.
Added- More controls options into the controls section.
Changed/Improved- Rechecked all the Pokemon wild encounters to optimise the lists and added some species in some missing areas to make the lists equal to the official games, this were possible due to the newly upgraded essentials engine.
Changed- Almost all recipes, due to the addition of more crafting ingredients.
Changed- All the events that gives the recipes silently without the player to know, into a notification with a sound to the let player know and what recipe he just aquired.
Changed- Oak's intro in the begining of the game, an animation about a Pokemon was added.
Changed- Turned the clones evos lines: Bulbasaurtwo, Charmandertwo, Squirtletwo into forms, instead of considering them as shiny Pokemon.
Changed- Bug Catching contest prizes, the first place will now give you a random evolution stone and the other prizes were changed too to mach better the HGSS prizes list.
Changed- Pokemon like for ex: Crystal Onix, Dark Lugia, Pink Rhyhorn, etc will now be considered as forms, and they can't evolve or change forms. Also, the player can't have this forms like any other form, this special forms are from anime series and to get them, the player can catch them in battle in certain events. Its only cosmetic but for those who wanted this kind of special Pokemon, they now can have them in their collection.
Changed- Mr. Sea quest event in the Seashore House at Route 109/Hoenn Region, the quest were madded in the wrong way, in which it detects 2 out of 3 trainer battles to complete the quest, instead of 3 battles.
Changed- The Salesman gifted Pokemon at Route 04 (PokeCenter), if the player buys his Magikarp, it will be a shiny one, which is a golden one, and inside of a gold ball. Note: Shiny Pokemon will always evolve to their shiny versions only. It will cost 500 pokes and the player can't return it to the salesman.
Changed- The Team Rocket event in Tangelo Island when they try to capture Lapras and battle the player, removed the "direction fix" option from the event to avoid the player's direction bug.
Changed- The place of some hidden items on Ice Path due to the Pokemon follower blocking the player in certain areas.
Changed- The Team Rocket Butch and Cassedi at Mahogany Rocket Hideout into normal Team Rocket Grunts as it should be.
Changed- The Ice Path maps a bit due to the Pokemon follower blocking the player in certain areas.
Changed- The Mahogany GYM ice tiles to give enough space for the Pokemon follower, because it's blocking the player to interact with the leader.
Changed- An event in Silph Co. 7F, when the player receives a Lapras as a gift. Now it will ask you if you want it, if the player don't want it, it can take it later. Also, that Lapras is now a shiny Pokemon.
Improved- All the Pokemon party icons for all generations + shiny versions of them + mega forms + region forms + other kinds of forms + gender differences too. Around 2.500 unique icons were added into the game.
Improved- All the Pokemon follower overworld sprites for all generations + shiny versions of them + mega forms + region forms + other kinds of forms + gender differences too. Around 2.500 unique sprites were added into the game.
Improved- The Mart Clerks events, were the players can now talk/interact with them from the sides, to make them a bit more realistic.
Removed- Medal Box Key Item from the game, it lost its purpose.
Removed- All the essentials and other fans battle moves animations.
Fixed- All the game's elevators, they work now.
Fixed- All the Dewford's GYM dark circles mechanic.
Fixed- All the Pokemon back sprites graphics for normal and shiny versions and battle positions for the back sprites. (Pokemon metrics file)
Fixed- All the Pokemon evolution moves when they evolve in any level. Instead of only learning the moves only at a certain level, the way is more acurate with the official games method.
Fixed- Incorrect Party Pokemon for Team Rocket Grunt at Pokemon Tower, Lavender Town, where he uses 3 Zubat instead of using 2 zubat and 1 Golbat in battle.
Fixed- Graphic bug on the Cerulean GYM, in Cerulean City.
Fixed- Wrong npc sprite in Cerulean City when transiting to Route 5, its a Teacher trainer type.
Fixed- Missing James overworld sprite at S. S. Anne Ouside map.
Fixed- Archen and Ariana T. R. Executives Events Movements being block by the Pokemon Follower in Mahogany Town's Team Rocket Hideout.
Fixed- Missing battleground when battling the Team Rocket Grunt guarding the poster in Celadon's Game Corner.
Fixed- Script code in all the game's elevators to work properly.
Fixed- Hidden Item event in Pokemon Mansion B1F, which the Itemfinder detects it even if the player already collected it.
Fixed- Map Route 23 issues with map tilesets and phenomenon issues in the map due to that.
Fixed- Icefall Cave 1F-2 tilesets, which the player can walk in some of the cave where it shouldn't walk.
Fixed- Route H underwater event teleporter, when the player returns to the surface he get stuck in the map because he didn't use surf, the teleporter will now re-locate the player in the nearby island.
Fixed- Pokemon always being shiny when the player lefts a map with shiny Pokemon without triggering the switch to be off.
Fixed- Zapdos in Lightning Island being in its Galar Form when it is not supposed to be.
Fixed- Trainer Rocker at Route K, when battling against him, he will have Ampharos lv50 because the system overlaps the trainer with another existing one of with the same name.
Fixed- Prof. Elm's Movements being blocked by the Pokemon Follower.
Fixed- G. S. Ball event, when it is supposed to deliver the G. S. Ball before entering the Pummelo Stadium.
Fixed- Missing game switch in Murcott Island related to the Injured Scyther event with Tracey, in the PokeCenter.
Fixed- Missing game switch to prevent players to go to Silph Co., without completing the Lavender Tower and the Team Rocket Hideout in Celadon City first.
Fixed- Tileset bug in Route N.
Fixed- Tileset issues in Union Cave B1F.
Fixed- Tileset bug where the player can walk in a tile where is not supposed to walk in Goldenrod Dept. 3F.
Fixed- Missing terrain tags for: grass encounters + phenomenon encounters and footprints in the sand.
Fixed- Blackthorn City water area, where the phenomenon encounters could appear on top of the GYM.
Fixed- Route 110 Hidden Item Great Ball having the icon graphic of a Black Belt Item.
Fixed- Hidden Item Poke Ball and Black Glasses in Routes: 110 and 116, if the player uses the itemfinder again after picking the items it will respond again.
Fixed- Petalburg City tileset bug, where the player can surf on top of houses.
Fixed- When using Galar Dust on Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres and it doesn't work to make them change to Galar Forms.
Fixed- Missing NPC graphic in Safari Zone North East Area.
Fixed- Team Aqua Leader Archie Event Movements being block by the Pokemon Follower in Mt. Chimney.
Fixed- Team Aqua Grunt Event Movements being block by the Pokemon Follower in the Weather Institute.
Fixed- Event bug at Southern Island, which make it to repeat in a loop.
Fixed- Bird Keeper Benny in the Trick House, when battling against him, he will have the wrong Pokemon set and levels because the system overlaps the trainer with another existing one of with the same name.
Fixed- Misplaced Psychic trainer at Mossdeep GYM.
Fixed- Cool Trainer Samuel at Hoenn Victory Road B1F, when battling against him, he will have the wrong Pokemon set and levels because the system overlaps the trainer with another existing one of with the same name.
Fixed- Hidden Items in the Abandoned Ship, if the player uses the itemfinder again after picking the items it will respond again.
Fixed- Art Museum Curator's event, issues about facing the player and issue about the game switches.
Fixed- Bill's Movements being blocked by the Pokemon Follower in Viridian Pokecenter.
Fixed- Diana's Movements being blocked by the circus building in Slateport City.
Fixed- Lance Movements being blocked by the Pokemon Follower in Lake of Rage.
And other improved things / repair bugs and errors.
This Pokemon Chronicles update uses Pokemon Essentials v20.1 editor/tool/engine, this change log is about it:
Downloaded all the game parts and now what?
1- Place all parts in the same directory / folder / location.
2- Right click on part 1 and then extract it to from the game's exe.
3- With the game's exe. You can delete the winrar parts. Because you've got what you want, the game's exe.
4- Install the game normally and check the Word files for more information about the game installation.
Note: Remember, this project is still under development.
This is a PC fangame not a hack room.
To download the game, people must be registered in this forum.
The game provides players with Word files with instructions about installation and other usefull things.
Please read carefuly when instaling the game.
People's scripts and other kinds of stuff are credited inside the game in final credits.
Technical Support/Game's Email:
Discord: Richard PT#5878
Pokemon Chronicles FanGame Discord Server:
Download Pokémon Chronicles (WITH INSTALLATION EXE):
Mediafire Server- A new version has been released - version 20.1.
Mega Server- A new version has been released - version 20.1.
Mediafire Server- A new version has been released - version 20.1.
Download Joiplay Compatibility Patch to run the game on Android Operating Systems:
Unique Part:
How to install the game and Updates?
1- To install the game, simply copy and paste the game's folder on your PC. But, never paste it on the folder "My PC". (through game folder without installer).
1.1- Execute the game exe and follow the instructions on the screen and in the Word file. (through installer/exe method).
2- To update to a new game's version, delete your old game's folder and paste this one in the same location or unistall it in case you install the game through exe.
3- Just play the game and have fun.
Note: Your save game will go automatically to another location, so it's fine doing this and you will not lose your saved game.
Última edição por Ricardo PT em Sáb Abr 20, 2024 3:08 pm, editado 24 vez(es)
VictorGomes e BlitzAngel16 gostam desta mensagem
Re: Pokémon Chronicles Version 20
Second page of the update, the first one reaches its limit:
41- Added the Unreal Time system:
Added two related game mechanics: the Unreal Time System and the Time of the Day Introduction.
Unreal Time System = the game has its own "clock" time now, instead of using the users PC real time. 1 second in real life = 60 seconds in-game. Note that while you are in battle, the time runs too at the same time.
Time of the Day Introduction = Each time is day and night in the game, an image representing day or night will appear on the screen, to notices the player when its day or night in the game. Players can skip it by pressing the action button. This is usefull for those who want to evolve pokemon at that time of the day and or to catch certain Pokemon species on those times.
42- Added the New Pokemon and Forms from Generaction 9 + Teal DLC + Indigo Disc DLC:
Added the new Pokemon dex entries, forms and regional forms from generation 9 into the game and also Pokemon from the Teal DLC and Indigo Disc DLC.
Added around 45 new abilities, updated some old abilities to receive its effect changes and added new evolution methods.
New Pokemon evolution methods:
Charcadet = Use the Auspicious Armor = Armarouge,
Charcadet = Use the Malicious Armor = Ceruledge,
Rellor = Walk 1.000 steps in the overworld maps and level up = Rabsca,
Pawmo = Walk 1.000 steps in the overworld maps and level up = Pawmot,
Bramblin = Walk 1.000 steps in the overworld maps and level up = Brambleghast,
Tandemaus = level 25 in battle, it will skip the evolution screen = Maushold, family of four or three, each one has a chance to be obtained,
Finizen = level 38 with a trainer partner in-game = Palafin
Gimmighoul = obtain 999 Gimmighoul Coins and level up = Gholdengo.
New Pokemon Evolutions from existing ones:
Primeape = Has Move Rage, using it for 20 times and level up = Annihilape,
Girafarig = Has Move Psybeam and level up = Farigiraf,
Dunsparce = Has Move Dig and level up = Dudunsparce two or three segments, each one has a chance,
Bisharp = Hold Leader's Crest item, defeat three Bisharp and level up = Kingambit,
Applin = Use the Syrupy Apple on it = Dipplin Has Move Dragon Breath and level up = Hydrapple,
Duraludon = Use the Metal Alloy on it = Archaludon.
New Pokemon Evolution changes in existing ones:
Crabrawler = use Ice Stone or evolve in icy areas on all regions = Crabominable,
Nosepass = use Thunder Stone or evolve in electric field locations, for ex: Abandoned Power Plant = Probopass,
Poliwhirl = Hold King's Rock and Use LinkCable Item = Politoed,
Kadabra = Use LinkCable Item = Alakazam,
Machoke = Use LinkCable Item = Machamp,
Kantonian Graveler = Use LinkCable Item = Kantonian Golem,
Alolan Graveler = Use Linking Cord Item = Alolan Golem,
Kantonian Slowpoke = Hold King's Rock and Use LinkCable Item = Kantonian Slowking,
Haunter = Use LinkCable Item = Gengar,
Onix = Hold Metal Coat and Use LinkCable Item = Steelix,
Rhydon = Hold Protector and Use Linking Cord Item = Rhyperior,
Seadra = Hold Dragon Scale and Use Link Cable Item = Kingdra,
Scyther = Hold Metal Coat and Use Link Cable Item = Scizor,
Electabuzz = Hold Electirizer and Use Linking Cord Item = Electivire,
Magmar = Hold Magmarizer and Use Linking Cord Item = Magmortar,
Porygon = Hold Upgrade and Use Link Cable Item = Porygon2,
Porygon2 = Hold Dubious Disc and Use Linking Cord Item = PorygonZ,
Feebas = Beauty level 170 or Hold Prism Scale and Use Link Cable Item = Milotic,
Dusclops = Hold Reaper Cloth and Use Linking Cord Item = Dusknoir,
Clamperl = Hold Deep Sea Tooth and Use Link Cable Item = Huntail,
Clamperl = Hold Deep Sea Scale and Use Link Cable Item = Gorebyss,
Boldore = Use Linking Cord Item = Gigalith,
Gurdurr = Use Linking Cord Item = Conkeldurr,
Karrablast = Shelmet in party and Use Linking Cord Item = Escavalier,
Shelmet = Karrablast in party and Use Linking Cord Item = Accelgor,
Spritzee = Hold Sachet and Use Linking Cord Item = Aromatisse,
Swirlix = Hold Whipped Dream and Use Linking Cord Item = Slurpuff,
Phantump = Use Linking Cord Item = Trevenant,
Pumpkaboo = Use Linking Cord Item = Gourgeist,
Meltan = have 400 Meltan Candies in te bag and level up = Melmetal,
Kubfu = Using Scroll of Darkness or using Scroll of Waters = Urshifu.
Paldean Pokemon Forms and lines:
Paldian Wooper = level 20 = Clodsire,
Paldean Tauros
Note: To evolve this regional forms, the player must use the item: Paldea Dust, so they can change into the Paldean forms before they can evolve. Note that the change is permanent, so think before using the item on the Pokemon.
43- Added New Items:
Added new items into the game, here's the list:
Black Augurite - an evolution item to make Scyther to evolve into Kleavor.
Peat Block - an evolution item to make Ursaring to evolve into Ursaluna at nightime.
Hisui Dust - to permanently change a Pokemon into a hisuian form.
Shiny Candy - An item that turns a Pokemon into a shiny version of it when used on it. = The player can obtain this only through itemcrafter key item when crafting it.
Lunar Wing - A feather that glows like the moon. It's said to possess the power to dispel nightmares. = Event item.
Member Card - A card needed for entering the inn in Canalave City. Oddly, the last date marked on it was 50 years ago. = Event item.
Oak's Letter - A letter from Professor Oak. Written in it is a request for you to go to Ever Grande City. = Event item.
Zygarde Cube - An item in which ZYGARDE Cores and Cells are gathered. You can also use it to change ZYGARDE's forms.
Safety Goggles - An item to be held by a POKéMON. They protect the holder from weather-related damage and powder.
Paldea Dust - to permanently change a Pokemon into a paldean form.
Tumblestone - When combined with an Apricorn, they are used to forge Poke Balls.
Black Tumblestone - When combined with an Apricorn, they are used to forge Poke Balls.
Sky tumblestone - When combined with an Apricorn, they are used to forge Poke Balls.
Iron Chunk - A naturally occurring hunk of iron. Such ore is needed to craft numerous Poke Balls.
Wood - A handy log of wood that can be used for anything, for crafting common goods needed for daily living.
Caster Fern - When these curled leaves are unfurled, they can serve as nature's wrapping paper.
Vivichoke - Also called a morning-dew bud. This herb is used as a material for crafting items.
Pep-up Plant - Extremely spicy but also highly nutritious. This herb is used as a material for crafting items.
King's Leaf - The king of herbs, glittering and brilliant. This herb is used as a material for crafting items.
Medicinal Leek - This vegetable is found growing across the Hisui region and is also known as the wayfarer's friend.
Pokeshi Doll - A wooden toy carved in the image of a Pokemon. It can be sold to the general store. = its just an item to sell to earn some money or for crafting.
Medicinal Max Ether - It fully restores the PP of a single selected move that has been learned by the target Pokemon. = its the same as Max Ether but with different icon.
Medicinal Max Elixir - It fully restores the PP of all the moves learned by the targeted Pokemon. = its the same as Max Elixir but with different icon.
Jubilife Muffin - This sweet treat can be fed to a Pokemon to cure any status conditions it may have.
Medicinal Full Heal - A topical medicine. It heals all the status problems of a single Pokemon. = its the same as Full Heal but with different icon.
Medicinal Full Restore - A medicine that fully restores the HP and heals any status problems of a single Pokemon. = its the same as Full Restore but with different icon.
Medicinal Potion - A topical medicine for wounds. It restores the HP of one Pokemon by 60 points.
Medicinal Super Potion - A topical medicine for wounds. It restores the HP of one Pokemon by 100 points.
Medicinal Hyper Potion - A topical medicine for wounds. It restores the HP of one Pokemon by 150 points.
Medicinal Max Potion - A topical medicine for wounds. It completely restores the HP of a single Pokemon. = its the same as Max Potion but with different icon.
Ability Shield - An item to be held by a Pokemon. This shield protects the holder from having its Ability changed by others.
Booster Energy - An item to be held by Pokemon with certain Abilities. This capsule's energy boosts it's strength.
Clear Amulet - An item to be held by a Pokemon. It protects the holder from having its stats lowered by moves or Abilities.
Covert Cloak - An item to be held by a Pokemon. It conceals the holder, protecting it from additional effects of moves.
Loaded Dice - An item to be held by a Pokemon. It ensures the holder's multistrike moves hit more times.
Punching Glove - An item to be held by a Pokemon. It boosts the punching moves and prevents direct contact with foes.
Mirror Herb - An item to be held by a Pokemon. This herb allows the holder to mirror an opponent's stat increases only once.
Linking Cord - A string exuding a mysterious energy that makes you feel a strange sense of connection. It’s loved by Pokemon. = its the same as Link Cable item but with different icon.
Tiny Bamboo Shoot - A small and rare bamboo shoot. It's quite popular with a certain class of gourmands. = its a crafting item and an item to sell for money.
Big Bamboo Shoot - A large and rare bamboo shoot. It's extremely popular with a certain class of gourmands. = its a crafting item and an item to sell for money.
Blank Plate - An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is a stone tablet that boosts the power of Normal-type moves.
Legend Plate - A stone tablet to be held by a certain Pokemon. It the holder the power of every type there is.
Adamant Crystal - When held by Dialga, this large, glowing gem wells with power and allows the Pokemon to change form.
Lustrous Globe - When held by Palkia, this large, glowing orb wells with power and allows the Pokemon to change form.
Griseous Core - When held by Giratina, this large, glowing gem wells with power and allows the Pokemon to change form.
Auspicious Armor - A peculiar set of armor that can make a certain species of Pokemon evolve. Auspicious wishes live within it.
Malicious Armor - A peculiar set of armor that can make a certain species of Pokemon evolve. Malicious will lurks within it.
Scroll Of Darkness - A scroll that can make a Pokemon evolve. Written upon it are the true secrets of the path of darkness.
Scroll Of Waters - A scroll that can make a Pokemon evolve. Written upon it are the true secrets of the path of water.
Meltan Candy - A peculiar metal candy. It is loved by Meltan. = the player must collect 400 of this and level up to evolve Meltan, the items will be deleted during the process.
Gimmighoul Coin - An item that accidentally dropped by a Pokemon. It seems that Gimmighoul treasure and hoard these. = the player must collect 999 of this and level up to evolve Gimmighoul, the items will be deleted during the process.
Leader's Crest - A shard of what appears to be an old blade. It is held only by Bisharp that head up a group of Pawniard.
Seed Of Mastery - A rare seed that can be used to master a Pokemon move so it can be used in the agile or strong styles.
Armorite Ore - Rare ore that can be obtained in a Max Raid Den. Certain collectors covet these items.
Dynite Ore - Mysterious ore that can be obtained in a Max Lair. Certain collectors covet these items.
Dynamax Candy - Raises the Dynamax Level of a single Pokemon by one. A higher level means higher HP when Dynamaxed.
Dynamax Candy XL - Maxes out the Dynamax Level of a single Pokémon. A higher level means higher HP when Dynamaxed.
Max Eggs - A bundle of highly nutritious, jumbo-sized eggs. Grants the entire party a large amount of Exp. Points.
Max Scales - Reflective scales that act like a mirror. Pokemon are able to recall a past move when gazing into them.
Dynamax Crystal - Throw one into certain Pokemon Dens, and it may lure a rare wild Dynamaxed Pokemon.
Max Plumage - A bundle of six distinctly colored feathers. Increases each base stat of a Pokemon by 1 point.
Max Soup - A soup that packs a huge kick. Certain Pokemon that consume it may be given the ability to Gigantamax.
Wishing Piece - Throw one into a Pokemon Den to attract a wild Dynamax Pokemon.
Wishing Star - A stone that radiates Dynamax energy. It can fully recharge your Dynamax Band in battle.
Z-Booster - A crystal brimming with Z-Power. It can fully recharge your Z-Ring in battle.
Z-Power Ring - A mysterious ring that enables Pokemon to use Z-Power if they are holding a compatible Z-Crystal.
Z-Ring - A mysterious ring that enables Pokemon to use Z-Power if they are holding a compatible Z-Crystal.
Ultranecrozium Z - It's a crystal that turns Necrozma fused with Solgaleo or Lunala into a new form.
Normalium Z - It converts Z-Power into crystals that upgrade Normal-type moves to Normal-type Z-Moves.
Fightinium Z - It converts Z-Power into crystals that upgrade Fighting-type moves to Fighting-type Z-Moves.
Flyinium Z - It converts Z-Power into crystals that upgrade Flying-type moves to Flying-type Z-Moves.
Poisonium Z - It converts Z-Power into crystals that upgrade Poison-type moves to Poison-type Z-Moves.
Groundium Z - It converts Z-Power into crystals that upgrade Ground-type moves to Ground-type Z-Moves.
Rockium Z - It converts Z-Power into crystals that upgrade Rock-type moves to Rock-type Z-Moves.
Buginium Z - It converts Z-Power into crystals that upgrade Bug-type moves to Bug-type Z-Moves.
Ghostium Z - It converts Z-Power into crystals that upgrade Ghost-type moves to Ghost-type Z-Moves.
Steelium Z - It converts Z-Power into crystals that upgrade Steel-type moves to Steel-type Z-Moves.
Firium Z - It converts Z-Power into crystals that upgrade Fire-type moves to Fire-type Z-Moves.
Waterium Z - It converts Z-Power into crystals that upgrade Water-type moves to Water-type Z-Moves.
Grassium Z - It converts Z-Power into crystals that upgrade Grass-type moves to Grass-type Z-Moves.
Electrium Z - It converts Z-Power into crystals that upgrade Electric-type moves to Electric-type Z-Moves.
Psychium Z - It converts Z-Power into crystals that upgrade Psychic-type moves to Psychic-type Z-Moves.
Icium Z - It converts Z-Power into crystals that upgrade Ice-type moves to Ice-type Z-Moves.
Dragonium Z - It converts Z-Power into crystals that upgrade Dragon-type moves to Dragon-type Z-Moves.
Darkinium Z - It converts Z-Power into crystals that upgrade Dark-type moves to Dark-type Z-Moves.
Fairium Z - It converts Z-Power into crystals that upgrade Fairy-type moves to Fairy-type Z-Moves.
Pikanium Z - It converts Z-Power into crystals that upgrade PIKACHU's VOLT TACKLE to an exclusive Z-Move.
Pikachunium Z - It converts Z-Power into crystals that upgrade a capped PIKACHU's THUNDERBOLT to an exclusive Z-Move.
Aloraichium Z - It converts Z-Power into crystals that upgrade ALOLAN RAICHU's THUNDERBOLT to an exclusive Z-Move.
Eevium Z - It converts Z-Power into crystals that upgrade EEVEE's TAKE DOWN to an exclusive Z-Move.
Snorlium Z - It converts Z-Power into crystals that upgrade SNORLAX's DOUBLE-EDGE to an exclusive Z-Move.
Newnium Z - It converts Z-Power into crystals that upgrade MEW's PSYCHIC to an exclusive Z-Move.
Decidium Z - It converts Z-Power into crystals that upgrade DECIDUEYE's ASTONISH to an exclusive Z-Move.
Incinium Z - It converts Z-Power into crystals that upgrade INCINEROAR's BITE to an exclusive Z-Move.
Primarium Z - It converts Z-Power into crystals that upgrade PRIMARINA's HYDRO PUMP to an exclusive Z-Move.
Lycanium Z - It converts Z-Power into crystals that upgrade LYCANROC's ROCK SLIDE to an exclusive Z-Move.
Mimikium Z - It converts Z-Power into crystals that upgrade MIMIKYU's SHADOW BALL to an exclusive Z-Move.
Kommonium Z - It converts Z-Power into crystals that upgrade KOMMO-O's OUTRAGE to an exclusive Z-Move.
Tapunium Z - It converts Z-Power into crystals that upgrade the tapus' Nature's MADNESS to an exclusive Z-Move.
Solganium Z - It converts Z-Power into crystals that upgrade SOLGALEO's METAL CLAW to an exclusive Z-Move.
Lunalium Z - It converts Z-Power into crystals that upgrade LUNALA's HYPER BEAM to an exclusive Z-Move.
Marshadium Z - It converts Z-Power into crystals that upgrade MARSHADOW's THIEF to an exclusive Z-Move.
Brown Apricorn - A fruit whose shell can be used to form the capsules of all manner of POKe BALLS.
Ball Of Mud - A ball of mud that has become stiff and hard. It's used as a material for crafting items.
Bugwort - A wildflower that have medicinal properties, but it is so bitter that no wild Pokemon will eat it.
Pop Pod - If you fill it with air, then deal it a sharp blow, it produces a loud popping noise.
Sand Radish - This bitter root, originally native to sandy beaches, can now be raised even in frozen soil.
Sootfoot Root - It can be mashed for use in cooking, but it can also be dried and ground to produce a fine powder.
Direshroom - Mushrooms that, when consumed, sharpen the eater’s focus. It's used as a material for crafting items.
Doppel Bonnets - Mushrooms that, when consumed, make the eater feel nimble and agile. It's used as a material for crafting items.
Swordcap - Mushrooms that, when consumed, cause the muscles to swell. It's used as a material for crafting items.
Iron Barktongue - Mushrooms that, when consumed, make the body grow tougher. It's used as a material for crafting items.
Spoiled Apricorn - An Apricorn that’s had its insides eaten. It's used as a material for crafting items.
Candy Truffle - A sweet-fleshed truffle that is packed full of mysterious energy. It's used as a material for crafting.
Cake-Lure Base - A type of field provision that enhances the flavor of other foods it is mixed with.
Sticky Glob - A ball of some kind of sticky substance. It's used as a material for crafting items.
Crunchy Salt - Translucent crystals that are beloved by Pokemon. It's used as a material for crafting items.
Dazzling Honey - Honey that sparkles with an amber hue. It's used as a material for crafting items.
Hearty Grains - Beautiful stalks of rice bursting with life. It's used as a material for crafting items.
Plump Beans - Large, juicy beans that grow in pods. It's used as a material for crafting items.
Springy Mushroom - A large and well-ripened mushroom. It's used as a material for crafting items.
Hopo Berry - It may be used or held by a Pokemon to restore a move's PP by 10.
Tera Orb - An orb that holds the power to crystallize. When charged, it allows Pokemon to Terastallize.
Mystery Tera Jewel - A mostly in-tact Tera Jewel. Its awkward shape makes it hard to tell what Tera Type it may unlock.
Master Tera Jewel - A perfectly hexogonal Tera Jewel. Using this can unlock any Tera Type that the user desires.
Radiant Tera Jewel - A jewel glistening with Tera energy. It can fully recharge your Tera Orb in battle.
Normal Tera Shard - On rare occasions, these shards form when a Tera Pokemon falls in battle and its Tera Jewel shatters.
Fire Tera Shard - On rare occasions, these shards form when a Tera Pokemon falls in battle and its Tera Jewel shatters.
Water Tera Shard - On rare occasions, these shards form when a Tera Pokemon falls in battle and its Tera Jewel shatters.
Electric Tera Shard - On rare occasions, these shards form when a Tera Pokemon falls in battle and its Tera Jewel shatters.
Grass Tera Shard - On rare occasions, these shards form when a Tera Pokemon falls in battle and its Tera Jewel shatters.
Ice Tera Shard - On rare occasions, these shards form when a Tera Pokemon falls in battle and its Tera Jewel shatters.
Fighting Tera Shard - On rare occasions, these shards form when a Tera Pokemon falls in battle and its Tera Jewel shatters.
Poison Tera Shard - On rare occasions, these shards form when a Tera Pokemon falls in battle and its Tera Jewel shatters.
Ground Tera Shard - On rare occasions, these shards form when a Tera Pokemon falls in battle and its Tera Jewel shatters.
Flying Tera Shard - On rare occasions, these shards form when a Tera Pokemon falls in battle and its Tera Jewel shatters.
Psychic Tera Shard - On rare occasions, these shards form when a Tera Pokemon falls in battle and its Tera Jewel shatters.
Bug Tera Shard - On rare occasions, these shards form when a Tera Pokemon falls in battle and its Tera Jewel shatters.
Rock Tera Shard - On rare occasions, these shards form when a Tera Pokemon falls in battle and its Tera Jewel shatters.
Ghost Tera Shard - On rare occasions, these shards form when a Tera Pokemon falls in battle and its Tera Jewel shatters.
Dragon Tera Shard - On rare occasions, these shards form when a Tera Pokemon falls in battle and its Tera Jewel shatters.
Dark Tera Shard - On rare occasions, these shards form when a Tera Pokemon falls in battle and its Tera Jewel shatters.
Steel Tera Shard - On rare occasions, these shards form when a Tera Pokemon falls in battle and its Tera Jewel shatters.
Fairy Tera Shard - On rare occasions, these shards form when a Tera Pokemon falls in battle and its Tera Jewel shatters.
Mark Charm - A mysterious and unique charm that increases the chance of finding a Pokemon with a mark.
Bitter Herba Mystica - It's said to dramatically bolster a body's immune defenses, though that hasn't been proven. It's used as a material for crafting items.
Sweet Herba Mystica - Word has it that one taste of its sweet flavor stimulates the digestive system and cures a lack of appetite. It's used as a material for crafting items.
Salty Herba Mystica - Its mellow saltiness is said to be tremendously effective when it comes to promoting health. It's used as a material for crafting items.
Sour Herba Mystica - This surpassingly sour condiment is said to be super effective in helping the eater recover from exhaustion. It's used as a material for crafting items.
Spicy Herba Mystica - It's said that a single bite will kick the metabolism into high gear immediately. It's used as a material for crafting items.
Health Mochi - A mochi cake with Berries kneaded into its dough. It increases base points for a Pokemon's HP stat.
Muscle Mochi - A mochi cake with Berries kneaded into its dough. It increases base points for a Pokemon's Attack stat.
Resist Mochi - A mochi cake with Berries kneaded into its dough. It increases base points for a Pokemon's Defense stat.
Genius Mochi - A mochi cake with Berries kneaded into its dough. It increases base points for a Pokemon's Sp. Atk stat.
Clever Mochi - A mochi cake with Berries kneaded into its dough. It increases base points for a Pokemon's Sp. Def stat.
Swift Mochi - A mochi cake with Berries kneaded into its dough. It increases base points for a Pokemon's Speed stat.
Fresh-start Mochi - A mochi cake with Berries kneaded into its dough. It causes a Pokemon to lose all its base points.
Teal Mask - A carved wooden mask to be held by OGERPON. A teal mask patterned after the face of an ogre.
Hearthflame Mask - A carved wooden mask to be held by OGERPON. It allows OGERPON to wield the Fire-type during battle.
Wellspring Mask - A carved wooden mask to be held by OGERPON. It allows OGERPON to wield the Water-type during battle.
Cornerstone Mask - A carved wooden mask to be held by OGERPON. It allows OGERPON to wield the Rock-type during battle.
Fairy Feather - An item to be held by a Pokemon. It gleams faintly when hit by light, boosts the power of Fairy-type moves.
Syrupy Apple - A peculiar apple that can make a certain species of Pokemon evolve. It's exceptionally syrupy.
Unremarkable Teacup - It may be cracked, but tea drunk from it is delicious. It is loved by a certain Pokemon.
Masterpiece Teacup - It may be chipped, but tea drunk from it is delicious. It is loved by a certain Pokemon.
Medicinal Dire Hit - An item that sharply boosts the critical-hit ratio of a POKéMON during a battle. Wears off if withdrawn.
Aux Evasion - An item that makes moves less likely to strike a POKéMON during a battle. Wears off if withdrawn.
Aux Power - An item that sharply boosts the offensive stats of a POKéMON during a battle. Wears off if withdrawn.
Aux Guard - An item that sharply boosts the defensive stats of a POKéMON during a battle. Wears off if withdrawn.
Aux Powerguard - Sharply boosts the offensive and defensive stats of a POKéMON during a battle. Wears off if withdrawn.
Make up Bag - A rather chic-looking case for carrying POKéMON Accessories. = use this on Magearna or Zarude to change their forms.
Metal Alloy - A peculiar metal that can make certain species of POKéMON evolve. It is composed of many layers.
Max Honey - A special honey that revives a fainted POKéMON. It fully restores the POKéMON's HP.
Max Mushrooms - Mushrooms that have some kind of power. They boost all stats of a POKéMON during battle.
Scatter Bang - When thrown at the ground, these balls produce a loud noise and scare off POKéMON sending them running.
Smoke Bomb - When thrown at the ground, these balls produce a cloud of fine powder that will reduce visibility in the area.
Sticky Glob - Throwing this sticky ball at a POKéMON may stun it, creating an opening for you to run.
Note: Some item changes were made, here is the list:
Steel Candy = changed name into = Meltan Candy.
Item Crafter = changed name and icon = Crafting Kit.
PC Drive = changed name and icon = Lost Disc.
Fashion Case = changed purpose = its now used in super contests instead of changing Magearna or Zarude forms.
44- Added the Mom's Savings/Bank:
Added a new game mechanic from HGSS. Now, when the player talks to her mom, she will ask if the player will send some money after each battle and how much to send to her. The player also can deposit and withdraw money from and for her as well. If the player's mom has enough money to trigger her to buy a certain item, she will message the player after a battle, that she bought an item, and the item was sent via items PC, which the player can access in any PokeCenter. She will buy items only once from a list and from a random list, on a balance with a multiple of this number, 2300.
45- Added a New Method to Find Hidden Items on Maps:
Added a new game mechanic for the Dowsing Machine Key Item to point better the exact location of an hidden item, the itemfinder key item will only turns the players face to the direction of the hidden item. Plus, the downsing Machine can be set on and off all time and if it didn't detect an hidden item nearby, an X will appear. If the player in on the same tile as the hidden item, a sound and a message will appear.
Added Clouds and Volcanic ash map animations to the maps, like on the image.
46- Added More Playable Characters Choices:
Added more playable characters choices, so players can pick their favorite, one from the list, to play the game. A key item called: Trainer Changer, was added too. This item will let the players change their current playable character if they are tired playing with it. Also, the players can only get this item by crafting it through the crafting kit, if they have the recipe needed for it and this item is a bit costy and difficult to craft.
Characters that existed in oldest versions:
Red + Leaf + Ethan + Lyra + May + Brendan + Serena + Ash Unova Style.
New Added Characters:
Lucas + Dawn + Hilbert + Hilda + Calem + Elio + Selene + Victor + Gloria + Jimmy/Gold + Crystal + Alain + Ash Kanto Style + Ash Hoenn Style + Ash Sinnoh Style + Ash Kalos Style.
47- Added New Battle Animations:
Removed the old Mega Evo battle animation into one better and more related with the player's trainer too. Added the Primal Battle Animations too, since there wasn't any.
48- Added a New Battle Mechanic, the Terasteral Phenomenon:
Added a new game battle mechanic from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. By using a Tera Shard, it will change its Tera Type when the player call this battle mechanic in battle.
Added 24 new items related to this mechanic.
Also, the only way to get this kind of items is by crafting them through the crafting kit and special events.
49- Added more Pokedex Pages:
Added a more two pages into the Pokedex. In this pages, the player can see better the comparison between the height and weight between Pokemon and the player. Note that some game characters has more heighr or weight than others.
50- Improved the Pokenav Mechanic:
Pokenav now harbors more game mechanics, which are: Town map + Condition = which the player can see the Pokémon's contest conditions + Pokemon Amie + Max Raid Database + BuzzNav + Berry Dex.
51- Added a New Game Mechanic, BuzzNav:
The BuzzNav can be only accessable throught the Pokenav and it will give good info and hints about general information that the player needs to know. For ex: when a new trainer partner is available, a new buzz will be added into the pokenav saying what trainer partner is and where to find it. Also, temporary buzz may appear to indicates where are some legendary Pokemon, in hints, and some hidden events or secrets. Then this kind of buzzes will disappear.
52- Added the Max Raid Database:
Added the Max Raid Database into the Pokenav, it displays various infos about the Max Raid Dungeons. For ex: A full Pokemon list about the Raid levels, it indicates what Raid level each Pokemon belongs on the list.
53- Added More Items Into the Mining Minigame:
Added more items into the mining minigame which are: Arceus Normal Plate, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, Ice Stone, Shiny Stone, Relic Copper, Silver and Gold, Comet Shard, Nugget, Big Nugget, Gen 5 and Gen 6 Fossils, all the gems items and all the Mega Stones. Added some more NPC's related to this in more caves, note that the player can only play one time per day in each NPC's mining minigame, for ex: if there as 4 in the game, you can play that minigame 4 times per day, one for each NPC.
54- Added a New App for the PokeNav, the Match Call:
Added a new app into the Pokenav, the Match call. This game mechanic works with the Pokegear phone calls at the same time, when a player registers a trainer or a npc number, it will be register in both devices at the same time. But, this game mechanic will be majority used to register important npcs or anime npcs, ex: Gym leaders, professors, anime characters like the Boy Samurai, Ash, Brendan, etc. The match call app gives a bit and enjoyable UI than the HGSS Pokegear phone call app, but in the end it will be the same. Anime characters will now contact you for a rematch or simply to talk, and they will no longer be available through the use of the VS Seeker game mechanic, which it won't work on this trainer types. Trainers like for ex: Youngsters, lasses, gentlemens and etc will not use this game mechanic, but they will use the VS Seeker game mechanic for rematches.
55- Added the berryDex and Improved Berry Planting:
Added a new app into the Pokenav, The berryDex game mechanic, which it registers a berry that the player received into the BerryDex, it gives you info about:
Berry dex number + berries gathered and planted + size + firm + descriptions + flavors, which is useful when making pokeblocks + growth time + harvest + dry rate + ideal weather + ideal zones, the red icons are the ones that they doesn't like at all + Mutations, which the picture can fully explain what it cause.
This mostly applies in the Hoenn region, in which you can plant berries on the ground and there's no connection with the game mechanic, Berry Pots, which functions in the old way. Also, due to the improved berry planting, when a player plants a berry on the ground, an icon of the planted berry will show on the Town Map, it has three berry icons:
Berry icon = It indicates a planted berry.
Berry icon with a water drop = The berry needs water.
Berry with a sparkling icon = it is ready to be picked up.
3 New Mulchs were added to help growing your planted berries:
Surprise Mulch - A fertilizer for growing Berries. It causes strange, sudden mutations based on other Berries nearby.
Allure Mulch - A fertilizer for growing Berries. Berries that fall from nearby plants can take root in this mulch.
Rich Mulch - A fertilizer for growing Berries. It increases the harvest without the need for particularly diligent care.
Again, this will now improves your berry farms into a new experience and also, it provides detailed info about berries and their flavors, which they will be used for when you make pokeblocks using the berry blender. This way you can make pokeblocks more accurate for the flavor you want to give to a Pokemon.
56- Added the Weather Encounters:
Added a new type of Pokemon wild encounters: the Weather Encounters. This will only works on Route 01, Kanto Region, for now in this update as a test. During a weather event, like for ex: rain, snow, heavyrain and etc, the Pokemon on grassy areas will start loading/pop up a new wild encounter list during a weather event, when it stop and the weather for that map is clear, the normal grassy wild encounters list will take effect again. This will not affect phenomena encounters. And this will only works on grassy areas only like gen 8 game mechanic. Pokemon from gen 4+ will pop up in this weather events, to know what pokemon pops up during a certain weather event, check the wild encounters UI list on your Pause Menu.
57- Added a New Game Mechanic, the Cram-o-Matic Machine:
The Cram-O-Matic Machine works exactly the same way as in the gen 8 games. The machine will asks you if you wants to craft items, when you say yes, it will asks you to choose 4 items as ingredients to make an item from a certain list. Each item values points and "types" in order to craft a more specific item from the machine. During this process, the game will only show the items accepted by the machine, all the other items will be "hidden" to avoid confusion. To guide better the player about this, a key item: Cram-o-matic book will be near the machine, so the player can have a manual about it and the full ingredients list for better guidance on what item should be used for a certain type. If the players check those posters above this machine, they can see the full list of all the items that they can get through this machine. All the required info will be inside the game.
58- Added a New Game Mechanic, the Improved Mementos:
Now in the Pokemon summary, ribbons page, all the game's ribbons and Marks, will be listed here and the player can select one ribbon or mark as an active title for the selected pokemon. And it can be changed at anytime. The pokemon's title will be shown up at the start of the battle with a little animation too, indicating what title it has. Wild Pokemon can have marks too, at random, at a certain % chance, which is very hard to find one with a mark. Also, if a player caught a pokemon with a mark, it will stay with the pokemon. The ribbons page also nows displays more info about ribbons and marks.
59- Added a New Game Mechanic, the Roto Loto:
The Roto Loto gives you a roto item randomly times to times. There's a total of 11 roto powers.
60- Added the Pokemon Contests:
The Pokemon Contests in Hoenn are now opened. There's 5 contest categories: Cool, Cute, Smart, Beauty and Tough, and there's 4 ranks: Normal, Super, Hyper and Master ranks. Also, if you win some pokemon contests, you'll gain some fans in which they will give you some useful gifts. To check your Pokemons condition, you can see it in the Pokenav or through the Pokemon Summary page after you receive the contest pass, and you can view the contest move types too, when you are on a respective page press D, so the pages can change. Also, you can blend your berries with some anime characters, have fun creating your pokeblocks. Use the Pokeblock case to feed your Pokemon with pokeblocks. Also, when you're trying to participate on a Pokemon Contest, except for normal ranks, it will requires you to have a contest ribbon in order to participate a higer rank. For ex: You want to participate on a Cool Hyper rank contest, but in order to participate, you'll need to have a Cool Super Rank Contest ribbon on a pokemon. The Pokemon Contestants are characters from the anime series with their pokemon and only one Judge will judge your performance.
61- Added the Pokemon Super Contests:
The Pokemon Super Contests its a game mechanic from gen 4 games. This game mechanic works in conjunction with the Pokemon Contests mechanics. Because it uses the Pokeblocks and the berry blender machines too. It has the same contests categories and this ranks: Normal, Great, Ultra, Master ranks. You will receive props after a super contest at random and there's a total of 100 unique props to dress up your Pokemon. In this kind of contests, the player can show their dressed pokemon to the public, dance and demonstrate their Pokemon moves beauty to up 3 Judges. All the participants and staff are from the anime series too. To participate on this contests, it requires the same things as a Pokemon contests and they are in the Lilycove City Contest facility.
VictorGomes e BlitzAngel16 gostam desta mensagem
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